Thursday, December 31, 2009
HAPPY NEW YEAR, I think?????/
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
I am the way, the truth, and the life!!! (John14:6)
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
INTERPOL, Learn to Recognize Their Logo
Be aware, that Interpol works closely with the ICC, that's the International Criminal Court. According to Bret Schaefer of the Heritage Foundation: " U.S. policy toward the ICC has been clear and consistent: The U.S. opposes the ICC because it is an international legal body that lacks prudent safeguards against political manipulation, possesses sweeping authority without accountability to the Security Council, and violates national sovereignty by claiming jurisdiction over the nationals and military personnel of non-party states. "
It is no secret that the current top White House officials appointed by Barack Obama, are in favor of the U.S. joining up with the ICC, including the State Department's legal advisor Harold Koh, who said that " domestic courts must play a key role in coordinating U.S. domestic constitutional rules with the rules of foreign and international law." To put it simply, the U.S. Constitution, the foundation of the laws of this nation, must take a back seat to international law. This is exactly what globalists want.
Please read:,css.print/pub_detail.asp
In my opinion, this is the opening of the Pandora's Box. Please take note of what is happening in Washington, D.C. Both houses of congress are ignoring the will of "We The People". They appear to have no fear of upcoming election results. It's almost as if they know something we don't know. When the people fear the government, that's tyranny, but when the government fears the people thats democracy. Ladies and gentlemen our government is showing absolutely no fear of the people. Take into consideration the Obama Health Care Bill. Are you aware that it actually mandates that all citizens of the United States buy a product from a private party? Are you aware that on that point alone, the entire Bill is unconstitutional!!! Does the Democratic Senate care? No they do not!!! When asked about the constitutionality of the Bill, Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi answered with this statement, "are you serious, are you serious?" What kind of answer is that. It tells me the she either hasn't read the Constitution, or she knows that the Constitution will soon be null and void. Our President, his appointed Czars, and yes, our elected representatives are selling our country, our sovereignty, our freedom, our liberty, our economy, and our liberty down the river. Their intention is to fundamentally change America. Obama, promised to do just that in a campaign speech just five days from the day he was elected. I didn't miss his meaning, but many, many people did, and now he is president of the United States, and boy is he changing it!!! WE THE PEOPLE SHOULD BE SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF OUR LUNGS
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
In my mind, the Ten Commandments were the most profound and far reaching of all teachings. If you read them, you will find that they are all encompassing. In ten sentences, the Lord covered everything we need to be moral, honest, and well behaved in every aspect of our lives. They are the Divine Laws, the Inspired Rules, and the Moral Standards that all human laws have been derived from. In actuality, if all mankind simply followed the Ten Commandments to a tee, there would be no need for any further laws. I find that amazing. Contemplate this, check your Bibles, think about what each Commandment says to you. Follow them if you can, they are the keys to living the great life that God has blessed us with. Soon it will be Christmas, and the New Covenant, and Jesus, the Son of God will give us the keys to Heaven. He will tell us, " I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIGHT, NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER, EXCEPT THROUGH ME." Amen
Monday, December 21, 2009
Isn't it amazing how mysterious God works. A perfect example is the Copenhagen Climate Summit. World leaders arrive in Copenhagen to a blizzard, as they discuss the man made global warming crisis. Isn't it a wonder how God in His infinite wisdom decided to blanket the entire country of Denmark with snow, actually enough snow that it will have it's first white Christmas in fourteen years. Ironic, don't you think? As members of the United Nations are trying to decide how much money in taxes to steal from the developed countries of the globe, to fight global warming. The globe has been cooling for the past ten years. Man made global warming, is at very best a sham. More than likely though, it is the most gigantic scam ever perpetrated on the inhabitants of the globe. It is another means to an end, redistribution of the world's wealth. Somewhat similar to what I like to call the Robin Hood syndrome. Robbing the rich, and giving to the poor. No matter how you phrase it, robbery is robbery. It's illegal, according to the law. I guess though, if the government robs it's citizens through taxation, then it's not an illegal practice. I say "BULL" it is illegal, and it needs to be stopped.
Here is a headline to contemplate: FoxNews, December 19, 2009: FRAUD IN EUROPE'S CAP AND TRADE SYSTEM A "RED FLAG", CRITIC'S SAY
It seems that Europe passed a Cap and Trade Bill, that has now lost the citizens of Europe some $7.4 Billion dollars, as the scam was taken over by organized crime. My warning is this, our government in the United States, is riddled with convicted criminals, we have self proclaimed Communists working right in the White House. We have a president who is a Socialist/Marxist, even though he won't admit it. "Birds of a feather, get my drift?" Believe me, our tax money is no safer in the hands of Obama and his cronies, than it would be in the hands of the likes of Al Capone. It doesn't surprise me that Cap & Trade in Europe is bilking those countries out of billions of dollars, because, Cap and Trade is a scam, because Global Warming is a scam, and man can not control the climate. I agree we need to curb pollution, but give me a break when you say human beings and animals have to stop exhaling because CO2 is now considered a dangerous gas! Plants need CO2, without it, the plants would die. No plants, no oxygen!!! So, you tell me...
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
The Seven Swans represent the Seven Holy Gifts of the Holy Spirit: 1) prophecy, 2) ministry, 3) teaching, 4) exhortation, 5) giving, 6) leading, and 7) compassion. (Romans 12:6-8; cf. 1Corinthians 12:8-11)
We all need to remember this day: Saturday, December 19, year of our Lord 2009. This is the day we found out that there is no sitting Democrat Senator that cannot be bought. Breaking News today: Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska, the lone holdout, has agreed to sign on to the Senate Health Care Bill, for an untold amount of money, and other incentives. According to Senator Kent Conrad, the deal is similar to the bribe taken by Senator Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, a paltry 300 million dollars. In Senator Kent Conrad's own words, regarding Nelson's deal, " Oh, it'll be much more than that". So, where does that leave the American people? It leaves us at the mercy of our elected officials. The government that has managed to take over huge private industries, i.e., GM, and Chrysler. The government who has run Medicare, the U.S. Postal Service, Freddy Mac, and Fannie Mae into the ground, and put them on the verge of bankruptcy, will now control every ones health care. This will be the largest redistribution of wealth ever, in the history of the world, not just America.
Suffice to say, "there is no integrity in Washington, D.C. " The sitting legislators have managed to shred even more of the Constitution. The most unpopular Bill ever raised before our Senate and House, going to be voted on, and shoved down the throats of all Americans. Washington, D.C. will not listen to the American people. We are non-existent as far as those politicians are concerned. It is imperative that each and every legislator that signed onto this Health Care Travesty, be kicked out of office for ever, and never be allowed to run for another position in government. Actually they should be put on trial for treason against the American people. The people we have in Washington, make me sick to my stomach. That means every Democrat from Obama to the the Senate, and the House of Representatives.
God Help This Country, Pray for the conversion of Islam, and for the conviction of our elected leaders in Washington, D.C. AMEN!!!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The Fifth Day Of Christmas
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
The Fourth Day Of Christmas
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The Third Day Of Christmas
ON THE THIRD DAY OF CHRISTMAS, My Truelove gave to me, three French Hens. The three French hens represent the Three Theological Virtues: 1) FAITH, 2) HOPE, 3) LOVE. (1 Corinthians 13:13)
In these days, we are faced with so much uncertainty, hopes can be stifled by the state of the economy. Love, many of us love our country but we fear our government. Our Faith, however, can not be shaken. Jesus came to earth, He made the ultimate sacrifice for us, all of us. Isn't it wonderful to know that Jesus has made the gift of salvation available to all mankind? All we need to do is accept it. Christmas is a time that should be filled with Faith, Hope, and Love. It can be, if we all remember the true reason for the season. What our country needs most, is to place God back in His rightful place in our society, at the top. Even as our government tries every way possible to remove God, we must keep Him in our hearts and minds. We must encourage a new revival, and we must remember that through it all, God is in control. If that thought doesn't fill your hearts with Joy this season, I don't know what will. God Bless You All, don't forget to wish everyone you meet a Very Merry Christmas, even if they don't want to hear it. Pray for the conversion of Islam.
(Important to keep in mind, that the Twelve Days of Christmas explanation, are in fact theoretical in nature, there is no historical proof that the song depicts any accuracy, but the symbolism is good. In my minds eye, if it isn't factual, it should be.)
Monday, December 14, 2009
The Second Day of Christmas
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Twelve Days of Christmas
With the world in turmoil, and our freedoms, and liberties hanging in the balance these days, it is important for us to remember that God gave us His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. We celebrate Jesus' birthday and we call it Christmas. Beginning today, I will post each of the twelve days for us to observe, and what the Christian significance of each day is, that way, when December 25th comes, we can begin our twelve days Christmas, as taught in the 16th century. December 25th, the 1st day of Christmas: THE PARTRIDGE IN THE PEAR TREE IS JESUS CHRIST, THE SON OF GOD, WHOSE BIRTHDAY WE CELEBRATE. CHRIST IS SYMBOLICALLY PRESENTED AS A MOTHER PARTRIDGE THAT FEIGNS INJURY TO DECOY PREDATORS FROM HER HELPLESS NESTLINGS, RECALLING THE EXPRESSION OF CHRIST'S SADNESS OVER THE FATE OF JERUSALEM: Jerusalem! Jerusalem! How often would I have sheltered you under my wings, as a hen does her chicks, but you would not have it so..." (Luke 13:34)
I hope that you will all stay with me through these next twelve days. Pray for our country, and beginning today, I personally will start praying for the conversion of Islam. I will present this to the pastor of my church, that beginning today we as Christians pray for Islam to be converted to Christianity, as only that conversion will begin the start of Peace On Earth.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
CPO15 Video
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
"A Day That WIll Live I Infamy" Oh yeah???
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Our president, as usual, did not mention the fact that the terrorists who brought down the World Trade Center Towers by crashing hijacked planes into them, were in fact Muslims, and or of the nation of Islam. He continues to spread false rumors that this country is not at war with Islam. In actuality, Islam is at war with us. Actually, Islam is at war with any country that is not of the Islamic Faith. I sincerely hope that that Obama's continued praise of Islam is not falling on deaf ears. This country, it's Christians, and it's atheists, and agnostics need to come together to defeat this common enemy. Regardless of what Obama purports, Islam is NOT a religion of peace, never has been, never will be. It is the goal of Islam, to rule the entire world, to convert every man, woman, and child to their faith, or eradicate them instead. Truly, Islam does leave the choice up to the individual. "Choose Allah, the head you save may be your own." That's how it works.
For those of you who think that Obama is doing the right thing by giving General McCrystal the troops he requested to do the job, think again. I applaud the Field Commanders of this country, mostly because they are dealing with an anti-American president. A president, that at best is inept as a Commander and Chief. Be it known that General McCrystal requested 60,000 troops, not 40,000 as the White House would have you believe. So, Obama is not 10,000 troops off, he is 30,000 troops off. It is Obama's intention to fight this war half-assed, just as he runs the country, the automakers, the banks, the mortgage companies, and the foreign policy of our nation. Remember however, this is all the Obama plan to bring the USA and capitalism to it's knees. He is NOT making mistakes, he is proceeding with his diabolical plan to tear this country down, and fundamentally rebuild it to his own Communist/Socialistic blueprints. Watch him, he's sneaky, he's always doing something behind the smoke he's throwing in our eyes.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
The Wisdom Of The Progressives
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Who's side is the Obama Administration On? Anyway!!!
Special Operations Petty Officer (SO-2) Jonathan Keefe
Special Operations Petty Officer (SO-1) Julio Huertas
These three U. S. Navy Seals have been charged with; dereliction of duty, willfully failing to safeguard a detainee, making a false official statement, and assault. Some very strong charges, wouldn't you agree? Do you know why these men have been charged? They've been charged because of the gutlessness of the Navy Department, the ineptness of the Department of Defense, and the total idiocy of the President of the United States. The charges are, at best ludicrous!!! It is a travesty that this entire incident has gone even this far. You see, what we have is a disgusting terrorist who was the mastermind of the murder and mutilation of four Blackwater USA security guards in Fallujah, Iraq in 2004. Ahmed Hashim Abed and his fellow insurgents burned the bodies, and dragged them through the city. They even hanged two of the bodies on a bridge over the Euphrates River for the World Press to photograph.
The mission of the 3 Navy Seals was to capture this Ahmed Hashim Abed and bring him to justice. The Seals accomplished their mission on September 3, 2009. These Seals, should all be given medals of valor, but NO, instead they are charged with assault because, now get this, their prisoner was allegedly given a fat lip. That's right my friends, a fat lip. So where are we with this? Our president is extremely worried and concerned about how the Fort Hood murdering terrorist was driven to killing 13 soldiers in cold blood. He doesn't much care about the victims, but he has real concerns about the major, who they now say may be suffering from vicarious PTSD. This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I ask you, as citizens of the United States of America, are we going to let this slip by? Are we going to allow Obama, Gates (Secretary of Defense), and Ray Mabus ( Secretary of the Navy) get away with prosecuting these brave Seals for doing their jobs? Is it really of any one's concern that this murdering piece of garbage got a fat lip, before, during, or after his capture? Personally as a Marine from the Vietnam era, and one who owes the Navy Seals a debt of gratitude, I think it's time for a "take no prisoners" approach, in all future missions.
After I post this on my Blog, I will be writing a hand written letter to the Secretary of the Navy. I intend to voice my concern regarding this travesty of justice. Here is the Secretary's address, should anyone feel as I do about this.
Mr. Ray Mabus, Secretary of the Navy
1000 Navy Pentagon
Washington, D.C., 20350-1000
HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Let us remember all our military who are this day fighting on foreign soil, at the request of our government, for our freedom and liberty, and for those oppressed around the world. God Bless Them All!!!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
There is of course another disease growing in this nation, a pestilence so vile, it threatens every American, young, old, female, male, black, white, red, and yellow. That disease is the spread of ISLAM. Our government officials are ignoring this deadly disease, they are NOT warning the people. The government, and even many military leaders are so consumed with political correctness, that they refuse to see this enemy within. We as a country must see this enemy for who and what it is. Do not be fooled by the terminology "Peaceful Muslim". These people will not assimilate to any other way of life, they will not tolerate any other religion. They are loyal only to Allah, and contrary to what liberal's may tell you, Allah is NOT the same God that we Christian's worship. More on this at a later time. For now, it is extremely important that Christian's and Jews especially, and all American's remain vigilant, and alert. The spread of Islam is very, very much a reality in the United States. Our enemies surround us, they're everywhere, from our federal government, to our local government. BE AWARE!!! God help this nation!!!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Devout Muslims In Key Posts at Homeland Security!!!
Take a good close look at these two men. Both are devout Muslims, just like the Fort Hood terrorist, and the boys who flew the planes into the World Trade Center. Not to mention the bomber's of the USS Cole. You'll never guess where these potential terrorists are working!!! How about the Department of Homeland Security, and I don't mean for some country in the Middle East either. I mean our United States of America Department of Homeland Security. Is there any wonder why our illustrious president, the anointed one asked us not to jump to conclusions about Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood shooter? You should know, that Arif Ali Kahn is a Sunni, and that Kareem Shora was born in Damascus, Syria. Both are follower's of the Koran. They are both tied to numerous terrorists organizations, and they are both tied to Barack Hussien Obama. There is no doubt that as I continue research on these boys, that I will find more and more incriminating evidence regarding their terrorist affiliations. Just give me time. If you are as angry as I am, I don't blame you, if you are not angry about these boys being appointed way back in June and August, then you are part of the problem.
Monday, November 16, 2009
On the agenda next, have you noticed that the official count of Illegal Aliens is finally approaching the actual number, now I think the government is only shy about 10 million. I remember when the official estimate was 10 million, then it became 12 million, and then 13 million, well, in a statement by Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano, the number is 14 million, still in most reasonable estimates, she is still 10 million shy.
She made the ridiculous statement " Requiring illegals to register to earn legal status, will strengthen our economy". I'm wondering where she comes up these theories. If you want to bolster the U.S. economy, ship the entire lot of illegals back to Mexico, Iraq, Iran, and wherever else they were allowed to come from. It would be an immediate boost the this country's economy. Then, if you've got the guts, close the borders so we can control the influx of immigrants to a reasonable amount of Legal Immigrants, as opposed to Illegal Immigrants, I'm just say'in!!!
If I had the opportunity, I would certainly like to ask congress, and the senate, and the white house, including the 32 or 33, or is it 34 Czars, to explain to me, this stupid Bible reading, gun toting idiot, veteran, citizen, how they come up with their facts and figures. Please, make it simple for me. If they can't, or won't, then they must indulge this one request: "Honorable legislator's, Mr. President, Czars at all levels, kindly give We The People a few minutes to bend over, stick our heads up our proverbial butts, so that we may see things from your point of view!!!"
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
While the leaders of our country are trying to decide whether or not the murders of 13 soldiers and one unborn child at Fort Hood, was an act of violence from a mad man, or a terrorist act. A no-brainer in my book. Political Correctness is killing this country, and will be our nation's ultimate mistake. Our enemy is in plain sight, and has vowed to convert us to Islam, or kill us. Turning a blind eye to the enemy, will not make him go away, but embolden him. Our tolerance is our weakness, not our strength, and the enemy knows this. We as a nation can not continue pretending that Islamic Jihadists do not exist. Our president would like you to believe that, but it is simply not true. Muslim terrorists, do exist, and they do exist in this country. It's time to call a spade a spade, see the enemy for who he is. Root him out wherever he is hiding, and rid this nation of this pestilence, before it's too late. Contrary to what seems like popular opinion, Islam is NOT a peaceful religion, Islam is NOT our friend. Islam does not tolerate any other religion, or abide by any laws, other than their own. It is NOT the peaceful religion that Barack Obama is urging you to believe. The enemy is within our borders, they have infiltrated the federal government, and now even our military. It will not stop until we all bow to Allah, or die. These are the words of Islam, not mine.