Friday, October 14, 2011


  Are you a little nervous when standing in the security checkpoint line at the airport?  Do you experience just a touch of self consciousness waiting your turn to pass through the body scanner?  There you are standing in your stocking feet, everything of value, keys, notebooks, cell phone, all of them in a big plastic tub on a conveyor belt slowly entering the bag scanner, in a fit of panic, just before your tub goes in, you feel change in your pocket, you reach down pull the change out so fast the your pocket turn inside out, you begin to perspire, your breathing becomes rapid, and you just keep asking yourself, did I remove my 10oz. bottle of cough syrup and replace it with the 8oz. bottle for air travel.  You just know that the TSA agent is going to make you go through the body scanner again and again, after all you have several surgical screws in your knee.  Oh no, are they going make me submit to a pat-down, or make stand in front of that big screen,  hey, I've got nothing to hide, what am I worried about?  Well, guess what?  You've got plenty to worry about.  You see all that anxiety you've been experiencing while standing in the security line, you think it's all in your head, and it's privy to just you.  I've got news for you, you could be under even more scrutiny than you've ever imagined.  No, not in America?!? Yes, oh yes in America.
  Have you ever heard of F.A.S.T.?  The initials stand for "Future Attribute Screening Technology".  While you were thinking to yourself....., your very thought processes may have been screened.  The Department of Homeland Security is using, or soon will be using F.A.S.T. to record and collect your heart beat, the amount of times you blink, and your body heat, just detecting clues indicative of mal-intent.  Profiling is against the law, perhaps not if you are singly profiled.  Your computer image can tell tales about you, and that image may one day get you arrested for thinking the wrong thing at the wrong time, in the wrong place.
  The DHS has already tested F.A.S.T. on it's own volunteer employees according to program manager Robert Middleton Jr..  (If you believe that it's only been tested on volunteers, I've got a bridge to sell you.)  It's my opinion that if the government says that anything has been tested solely on volunteers, that means many unsuspecting citizens have already been targeted without knowing.  A short study of historical facts tells me that our government as well as other governments, have a real and true propensity to lie through their teeth.  This present "transparent" administration is certainly no exception.  Bottom line is this, F.A.S.T. is designed to track and monitor, among other things, body movements, changes in voice pitch, eye movement and even breathing patterns, F.A.S.T. literally hunts for irregularities in human behavior.  There are some who will say, "hey, this is a good thing"!  Really???  There is no doubt that the inventors behind this technology are doing what they feel is an honorable thing.  The creation of a machine that can actually detect what a person is thinking and feeling may be good when finding a person whose intention it is to do harm to his fellow man, but what about the guy who simply becomes nervous at the sight of authority?  Can the machine distinguish between physiological intent and the natural reaction of some people to be nervous and upset, and although their physiological attributes scream out terrorist, they actually mean no harm to anyone?  I've never seen a machine with the ability to be discerning.  So then what happens when the machine sends the inevitable false positive.  Will there be the "Thought Police Enforcers" (T.P.E."s for short) there to arrest this person?  Will he or she be subjected to a complete psychological profile by a professional, or will he/she be subjected to a complete violation of their rights, and be harassed?  I can see no good coming from this particular invention.  Regardless of the intentions of it's creator, you can bet the corrupt officials of DHS will find a way to grope people's minds without them knowing it, arresting them for what they are feeling and thinking, detaining them on machine accusations with literally no basis in fact.  We will find people being accused by machines, and authorities taking the word of machines over the words of human beings.  No, I don't like F.A.S.T., not one little bit.  I don't have to list the many inventions that were intended for the sole use of benefiting mankind, that have been turned into a form of violence toward mankind by those in power seats of governments around the world.  Everything from splitting the atom to discovery of diseases and cures.  We have nuclear energy, but we also have nuclear weaponry.  We have disease cures, and mankind has created diseases with no cure, called biological weaponry.  Most things that have been invented out of necessity and for beneficial reasons have been corrupted.  F.A.S.T. will certainly be no exception.  The government already wants to, and has the capability of installing an air conditioning thermostat in your home that only a government official can control.  They have already been intstalled in some experimental homes in California.  It won't be long before that technology is not experimental and your utility company will be installing one in your home, mandated by the federal government.  ("Saving the planet, you know!!!")  What happens when F.A.S.T. is perfected and the Feds mandate one be installed in every home, and before the mandatory locks on your doors can be opened, each member of the household must stand in front of the F.A.S.T. scanner for purposes of government screening for human thoughts of mal-intent?  Let's face it, from your ATM card to your cell phone transmissions to Onstar in your automobile, the government knows where you are, and in many cases through cameras on street posts, they know what you're doing, and with whom.  Their spy system isn't perfect yet, but give them will be!
  Food for thought:  Senior citizens who have been sold on the safety of living in a walled and gated community.  Walls and gates are double purpose, they may have been designed to keep people out, but they also keep people (in) confined once the gates are closed and locked. 
God Help Us
The Watchman

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


The Obama Jobs Act, it's just another ruse!!!
    A good rule of thumb concerning anything that comes from the White House, the Obama administration, or the controlling Senate Democrats is this:  "Make sure you read it before you vote on it and or sign it." 
  The American Jobs Act that President Obama has submitted is coming under some pretty staunch criticism, and well it should.  One of the points of contention is located (buried) in Sec. 376 of the Jobs Act.  Section 376 concerns the waiver of state's immunity.  As it is written, States receiving any Federal funding, whether it be Medicaid, Medicare, Tuition, FEMA ( Federal disaster relief), etc., etc. will now surrender it's Sovereignty under this Jobs Bill.  This surrender of sovereignty and immunity is a direct contradiction to the 11th Amendment of the Constitution, and in total disregard of the 10th Amendment as well.  In essence, any state that agrees to or violates the terms of this bill, has forfeited it's immunity to Federal suit as stipulated in the 11th Amendment.  There are many items in the Obama American Jobs Act that are surely Constitutionally questionable, and all of them are being questioned, even as we speak, mostly by some competent Republicans and oh so few Democrats.  When push comes to shove however, the Democrats will almost certainly vote in favor of this bill in it's entirety and along party lines. 
  In my opinion, regardless of all the questionable stipulations in the Obama American Jobs Act, section 376 is the single most important and most detrimental to our nation.  I honestly believe that this entire Jobs Act was written for the sole purpose of implementing Section 376.  I do not believe for a minute that Section 376 was just an add on.  
  For a number of years now, I have been cautioning Americans to watch Obama's other hand and read between the lines of anything proposed by the Obama White House.  This I believe wholeheartedly is one of those times.  The Obama administration relies almost to a fault on deception of the American people.  The Obama Care Bill, for instance.  No one really knows who drafted that Bill, and no one ever read it, and yet it was passed in the dark of night, only now are the American people finding out what was in this atrocity.  Deception and lies, diabolical wizardry, they're all instrumental to the Obama administration.  This American Jobs Act will not produce many jobs, if any.  It will not aid in America's economic recovery, it wasn't designed to.  What it was designed to do is gain control of every individual state.  People think Obama is some kind of inept fool who just managed to stumble into the White House, well, I hate to inform you, but that is not the case at all.  Men like Obama and George Soros have an agenda, in on it with them are people like Jeffery Imelt, Richard Trumka, Warren Buffet, oh yes, and even Bill Gates.  The coffin for American freedom and liberty is being constructed by Obama and his minions, and the final nails are being prepared for the hammer.  The passage of this American Jobs Act will most certainly be one of the last nails pounded into the hearts of the mostly unsuspecting American citizens.  When Obama made his now famous prediction "we are only five days away from fundamentally changing America", he wasn't kidding, he was dead serious.  
  This Jobs Bill is more than likely the brainchild of the combined efforts of the Obama administration and it was written for only one purpose, control!  Obama and his colleagues aren't as inept as some believe them to be.  Does anyone honestly think for a minute that this administration was unaware of the many states that have already passed sovereignty bills?  This American Jobs Act was diabolically contrived to usurp those state Bills, make no mistake about it.  In order for Obama to seize and maintain control of the states, it is vital to override any and all state legislation that provides immunity to Federal Government Controls.  This Jobs Act, does just that.  Although this "Waiver of State Immunity" was inserted way down into the Act at Section 376, you can bet that this is the only section of true importance to Barack Obama.
  While our newly elected Republican House Majority are tuning their fiddles waiting on the sideline to watch while America burns, and the Democrats are following their evil leader in lockstep as with the devil himself, Obama is moving forward with his stated agenda.  This Jobs Act is devil's spawn, and must not be allowed to pass, or even come to a vote.  The signing of one's own death warrant, doesn't sound particularly appealing to me.  If passed by congress, that is exactly what Americans will be doing.  Whether this is something that Obama can implement as another Executive Order, I'm not sure.  If it is, the time for a call to arms is most certainly at hand, as we are surely losing control of our Republic.
  Mark 13:22, 23
For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall show signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.  But take you heed:  Behold, I have foretold you all these things.
  Ephesians 6:12,13
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.  Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
  Through these scriptures, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ warned us of the impending deceivers and evils we must face.  Prayer and repentance are our only defense against the evil of this world.  God tells us, if we repent and pray for forgiveness, He will hear us from heaven, and heal our land. 
  God Help Us.
The Watchman