Saturday, September 4, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
'Islamization' of Paris a Warning to the West - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -
One can not emphasize enough the dire ramifications of appeasing Islam will be on our nation. The continuous kowtowing to this false and self professed peaceful religion, will bring certain misery to all the people of America. Unless you find the sound of being called to prayer five times a day enchanting, you may want to rethink your opinion of Islam.
If you are Christian, you will be persecuted beyond your wildest imagination, if you are Jew, the same will happen. Once these Islamic centers and Mosques are established, more and more Muslims will come. They will take over your schools, and your local government. They will establish Sharia Law. When the Muslim population becomes the majority, it will also be the dominant force in your neighborhood. Your taxes will be used for schools to provide special Halal meals for Muslim students. They will protest anything Christian in your area, remember, Muslims are not appeased forever, only until they become dominant, then their demands will increase. They will use political correctness and the freedom of religion laws to gain special treatment in your area.
Please watch the above video, and heed it's warning.
Just one question that you must ask: Where are all these Muslims coming from? I'm under the impression that Illegal Mexicans aren't the only Illegal Immigration problem that America needs to deal with. Take a stand in your neighborhood, the way of life you've grown accustomed to, will soon fall by the wayside, if this blind tolerance of the enemy continues.
God Help This Nation
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Look at that picture, have you ever seen a more honest group of politicians in your life? This photograph exudes integrity and honor, doesn't it? NO, you too!!! In reality, the politicians in the picture, wouldn't know honor, if it slapped them in the face. What you are looking at, is the President and top members in the Elite Liars Club of Washington, D.C.
Yesterday evening while channel surfing, I and stopped on FOXNews, Gretta to be exact. She was interviewing Democratic Pollster Doug Schoen, he remarked: "that if Democrats were going to be elected, and or re-elected, they would have to distance themselves from the likes of Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid." Doug also remarked: "that in order to win in November, Dems would have to run on Republican platforms." Now, how's that for an honest strategy? Not very honest in my book, that's for sure.
After listening to this guy, and then picking up a few excerpts from Obama's speech, I came to the conclusion that the new Progressive Strategy is the same as the old strategy, LIE, then LIE some more. It's so apparent that none of these Democrats, and their strategists, or even their pollsters get it. The American people want the truth, period. I have no doubt that all, or at least many Dems watched the "Restoring Honor" rally on the National Mall this past weekend. How could you watch the turnout of some 500,000 American citizens, who were outwardly praying to God, that He would intercede with Divine Providence, and heal and strengthen this nation. Can it be possible that Glenn Beck's (God bless him) message to Washington was misunderstood? How else can you account for the new Progressive "change the lie" election strategy? Can the powers that be in D.C. be so arrogant that a message from 500,000 Americans be totally disregarded?
America, Satan has a strangle hold on our government representatives, of this, there is no doubt. The corruption is deep, and begins in the highest of this nations offices. The White House, and Congress, and all of Washington, D.C. needs a exorcism of it's demons. "We the People" have the opportunity to perform that exorcism this November at the polls. We will need to pray for the strength to vote our conscience, and vote for good men and women with high moral standards, and Christian principles.
As Glenn Beck said, we need to restore honor through FAITH, HOPE AND CHARITY. We also need to demand Honesty, Integrity, Morality, and "We the People" must insist that God be once again restored as the Supreme Being, and we must teach our children that our rights as American citizens come from God Almighty, not from government. There are Progressives in both parties, John McCain is proof of that. Be wary, be diligent, do not let a Progressive in a Conservative's clothing fool you. Progressives do not change, the just shift shapes temporarily.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Supporters come together over Murfreesboro mosque | Nashville City Paper
Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson awarded some $20,000.00 in scholarships to relatives and friends. According to the Dallas Morning News, Ms. Johnson awarded 15 scholarships to two grandsons, two great nephews, and aide Rod Givens' children between 2005 and 2008. The 2009 awards, reflected in a previously undisclosed list provided Monday by the foundation, push the amount to more than $25,000.00.
Ms. Johnson had an excuse though, she said: "While I'm not ashamed of helping, I did not intentionally mean to violate any rules in the process." After being hounded by her critics in this matter she followed up with this statement: "To rectify this matter immediately, I will reimburse the funds by the end of this week." I guess that will make it all better, and life will just go on as normal for Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson.
Let's just analyze this women's statements. "While I'm not ashamed of helping" Well Ms. Johnson, you should be ashamed, as a matter of fact, you should never show your face again to your constituents. Do you not understand what you did wrong Bernice? You took money that was set aside for well deserving young men and women who should have been awarded those scholarships, and you gave the money to your grand children, nephews and children of your top aide. In a court of law, that is I believe grand theft, justice would be drumming out of Congress, with forfeiture of all pay and retirement benefits. Perhaps some serious jail time is also in order. "I didn't intentionally mean to violate any rules in the process." What exactly does that mean Ms. Johnson? You didn't intentionally mean to get caught, or is there a way to steal money from the scholarship fund without breaking the rules? Oh, yes Ms. Johnson you did in fact intentionally steal money from young people and give it to your family and friends. "To rectify this matter immediately, I will reimburse the funds by the end of the week." That is pathetic!!! You expect all this thievery to be swept under the carpet, because you repay the money that you stole? Repaying stolen money isn't restitution Ms. Johnson. If I were a judge, I would sentence you to not only repay the stolen funds, but force you to go back through the records, find the names of the correct recipients and reimburse them for the college education they didn't receive due to you selfish pilfering of funds.
The final nail was Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson's pledge to "change how she selects recipients for the scholarships." As the "Church Lady" would say: "Well, isn't that special." In other words Rep. Johnson you're either not going to choose recipients from your own family album, or from your closest friend's children, or you're going to find a way to funnel more money to them, without getting caught, or breaking the rules.
A person, can unintentionally break the rules once, maybe even twice, but 23 times, well, that sounds pretty intentional to this writer. What happened, in my opinion, Rep. Johnson awarded one or two scholarships to the grand kids, and nobody discovered the pilferage, so she just figured why not just keep going. What Representative Johnson did, was a criminal act, and she deserves to be punished for stealing. Charges should be filed, and a trial should ensue, and she should pay her debt to society. Unfortunately, I don't think that will happen, Rep. Johnson has friends in high places, if Barack Obama can halt the prosecution of a terrorist, he can certainly get Ms. Johnson off the hook on this one, and he probably will. So, Eddie Bernice Johnson, will follow in the footsteps of men like, Charlie Rangle, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, and the biggest thief in Washington, D.C., the great Obama himself. The combination to the public vault is in their hands America.
November elections are right around the corner, make this one count, there may not be a country to save if we don't.
"THOU SHALL NOT STEAL" (God) It doesn't get any plainer than that!!!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Is Islam being misunderstood in the west, or is Islam being given a pass merely out of fear? Actually, it's a lot of both. Islam is most definitely misunderstood in the west, but not for the reasons one might think. The fear of Islam is not a phobia, but a justifiable and actual fear. The misunderstanding of Islam comes into play, because western civilization is attempting to understand a culture from the Dark Ages, with the reasoning of modern understandings of religion. Trying to understand Islam from western cultural reasoning is, impossible. Impossible because Islam can not be compared to or assimilated to western cultures or religions or governments. Islam is it's own form of government, and that government is called Sharia Law. Islam by it's own directives, is not to be influenced by Infidels. Therefore, Islam can never co-exist in any nation, or with any other religion. Islam is the only organized government based religion that demands the obedience of not only it's own followers, but of all people, of all faiths. Islam demands that all the world bow to their Allah, or be eradicated from the face of the earth. These are the teachings of Mohammad, not mine. Don't believe me? Get yourself a copy of the Qu'ran and the Hadith and please read it for yourself. So you see, if the west is to try and understand Islam, the west must look at Islam from a Middle-Eastern angle. A Western/American angle will not and can not work. The following statements are examples of faulty western attempts at understanding Islam:
"Muslims, we respect your faith, it's teachings are good and peaceful." (George Bush right after 9/11)
"Islam, the faith of hundreds of millions of peace loving people around the world, including the United States of America." (Bill Clinton)
"A war against people who pervert what Islam stands for, Islam stands for peace and non-violence." (Condolezza Rice)
"I've come to realize that Islam is a good religion, a good way of life." (Senator Harry Reid)
As Americans, we must, if nothing else, understand Islam for exactly what it is, and Qu'ran believing Muslims for who they truly are. To do this, we need to see what they have done in the past. Not just the ancient past, but the recent past, and for that matter what they are doing in the present. We must understand that deception is Islam's greatest tool for conquest. According to the Qu'ran, it is justified for a Muslim to lie as long as it benefits Allah. They are taught that lying to an Infidel is not really lying, as Infidels do not deserve the truth. In Islam's current infiltration of the west, mainly America and Canada, they use our laws and our constitution against us. In America for example; there is freedom of religion. Under the guise of being a religion, Islam asserts that they should be allowed the same rights as any other religion, and be allowed to practice their faith in America. The problem however, remember Islam is not just a religion, it is a way of life, it's own government if you will. The United States Constitution does not allow for the practice of any other government within our borders. Deception, look behind the Imam, as it were. In a recent interview with the Ground Zero Mosque Imam, it was stated by a journalist; Abdul Rauf was a bridge builder, that he was building bridges between his culture, and America. Not true!!! Abdul Rauf is a bridge builder alright, but the bridge he is building is from a Democratic Republic too Sharia Law. His first step in this process is gently coaxing the United States into becoming Sharia compliant. From there, it is merely a matter of time before local officials in New York City, i.e. Mayor Blumeberg, become so tolerant that Sharia courts come to fruition. Oh, you say no way, not in America. Well, that's what they thought in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands where their legal systems are split in half, half English law and half Sharia Law. Yes, America, it can and it will happen here. It is important to keep in mind, that with every Mosque built on American soil, that soil becomes the sovereign territory of Islam, just as if it were an embassy. At last count, 2400 Mosques in America, at last count, 5 additional Mosques constructed each week. With every Mosque, America cedes territory to Islam.
Western civilization has every right to fear Islam. Islam is ruthless, barbaric, and draconian in it's governance. Islam, has but one goal, and that is world domination for Allah. They have no hesitation in murdering those who stand in the way of their goal. Christians, and Jews stand in their way. It will happen and happen soon. Rest assured, we Christians will be placed in a position to stand for Jesus Christ. One day we will all have to face Islam, and face it in the open. We will be forced to decide whether we want to preserve our Judeo-Christian values, and our civilization, or will we submit to Islam and bow to Allah. America, it is time to recognize your enemy for who, and what he is. Our enemy is Islam, remember it is Islam who has declared war on the west, not the other way around. A moderate Muslim, is merely a Muslim on the back slide, and they are but one fatwa(order) away from becoming a terrorist.
Our only hope for success against Islam, is our faith in Jesus Christ, and the aggressive spreading of His word. With God on our side, who can stand against us?
I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress; my God; in Him will I trust. (Psalms 91: verse 2)
Sunday, August 29, 2010