The link above will take you to a 20 minute video taken in Dearborn, MI. at the recent Arab Festival. In the video, you will see all those peaceful Muslims attacking by stone, bottle and egg a few Christian missionaries. You will see the Christians mocked by a young Muslim man for the way we pray. You will see the results of years of indoctrination into Islam, in the behavior of the Muslim children. You will see the Dearborn, Michigan Police Dept. turn a blind eye to the violent acts of the Muslims being perpetrated upon the Christians. You must note that the Deputy Chief of the County Sheriff's Department is Muslim, and he we blame the violence on the Christian group, not on the Muslims rioters. You will see that the Christians do not retaliate in any way shape or form. You will eventually see the Christian group ejected and harrassed by the Dearborn, MI. P.D., even after they were ordered to leave, and left the area. I'm sure that for many of you out there, your first reaction and thoughts will be: "Why are the Christians at a Muslim Festival in the first place?" Or: "If the Christians weren't there holding their "Jesus Saves" signs, then they wouldn't provoke the violent Muslim reprisals." There are two ways to rebut those statements, I submit to you: Mark 16:15 And He (Jesus) said to them: "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation." You see, as Christians we are obligated to preach Jesus' Word to all creation, so that the lost might be saved. Where are the most lost of mankind? Islam is false, Allah is false, and Muslims need to hear the Word. The second reason for the presence of Christians at a Muslim Festival: This is still America, and Dearborn, Michigan is still within the borders of the United States of America. Here we still have freedom of speech, we are all free to walk anywhere, drive anywhere and be anywhere, without the fear of violent reprisal. Dearborn, Michigan is NOT an Islamic state soveriegn unto itself. Dearborn, Michigan should not be under any law other than U.S. Constitutional Law. Sharia (Islamic) Law, is not, and does not supercede U.S. Law, not even in Dearborn, Michigan. I remind you that there was a time when Dearborn, Michigan was just like any other American town. It had Christian churches, Jewish Synagogues and the like. When the Muslims arrived with their first Mosque, the good people of Dearborn probably welcomed them with open arms, thinking that these Muslims were of moderate Islam, they were not terrorists. The people of Dearborn were lulled into a false sense security, it's the Islamic way. Today, Dearborn, Michigan is enveloped in a sea of burkas and hijabs. Christians and Jews aren't feeling very safe walking through what once was a peaceful neighborhood, no, not anymore! The Muslims of Dearborn have learned that intimidation and coercement go along way in getting what Islam demands. And my friends Islam demands alot from the neighborhoods they invade.
Enough about Dearborn, Michigan, let's talk about Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Murfreesboro, is a town my wife and I frequently visit, to shop, and to dine. But, Murfreesboro has a very serious "Liberalism" problem. The town/city council seems unable to discern good from evil, and right from wrong, and law from lawless. Murfreesboro, has a gang problem, perhaps it's because of their liberal/progressive attitude regarding immigration laws in America. Whatever the reason, Murfreesboro has a illegal alien MS-13 gang problem. However, that isn't the only ethnic problem. In Murfreesboro's earnest acceptance of a new Islamic Center and 52,000 square foot Mosque, Murfreesboro is inviting the devil into their midst, as it were. There has been much controversy over the construction of the Murfreesboro Mosque, court injunctions, hearings and protests by opponents of the Mosque. It seems however, the Muslims have prevailed over all this adversity and thier Islamic Center is merely weeks away from opening the doors. How very sweet!
The Murfeesboro Mosque has only 200 members. The Murfreesboro Mosque needed funding in excess of $2 million dollars for the construction, and they will not reveal the source of that funding. Could the funding have come from the Muslim Brotherhood? That would be consistent with numerous other Mosques built or being built in America. Another question is this, why would a mere 200 members of the Mosque require 52,000 square feet? I wonder, do the proponents of the Mosque actually think that the Muslim population in Murfreesboro will not grow? Do the citizens of Murfreesboro, think that Muslims in the Mosque nieghborhood will not make demands of it's neighbors? The truth of the matter is, the Muslim population will literally explode beyond Murfreesboro's wildest expectations, with it, so will the poverty level. I wonder if anyone on the city council knows how many illegal Muslims will soon be invading their town? I personally don't think council members have a clue. I mean they can't even, or won't even keep track of their illegal Mexican population. It would be wise for the Murfessboro council to take an unannounced trip to Dearborn, Michigan. It would certainly be an eye-opener for them because, Dearborn is a window looking into the future of Murfreesboro, TN.
Many of us tried to warn Murfreesboro of their impending error in judgement, but Liberalism won out over our voices of reason. We were told that the Mosque is just another place of worship, like a Christian church. Really??? I have personally written a number of articles on the mistakes of inviting the fox into the hen house. I was called bigot, racist, and Islamaphobe for telling the folks that Islam is NOT tolerant, and there are no true moderate Muslims. If that makes me and Islamaphobe, then so be it!
Here is something ironic that you may or may not have heard. Either way, it's certainly worth noting for other cities, towns and neighborhoods in America. The doors to Murfreesboro's Islamic Center and Mosque haven't even open yet, and the Muslim leaders are already making demands on the good but misguided people of Murfessboro and Rutherford County. A "TEACHER'S GUIDE TO MUSLIM STUDENTS" has been sent to teachers in Rutherford County schools, and I'm sure it was also sent to Murfreesboro school teachers also. In this "Teacher's Guide" is a list of all special treatments that Muslim students in public school, will require from teachers and school districts as a whole. Make no mistake, if these demands are not met, there will be law suits filed against teachers and schools by the all friendly and peaceful members Islamic Center of Murfreesboro. Everything is covered in this list of demands from the requirement of prayer 5 intervals a day(15 minutes at a time, that shouldn't disrupt any classes!) while in school. (Prayer in school, not here in America! What happened to separation of church and state?) Islam has no separation of church and state. That rule only pertains to Christians and Jews. The Muslim students will need a special place to pray, and other students must tolerate and succumb to all the demands of the Muslim students. According to the list, Rutherford County schools will be required to modify their school work days, eating facilities, gymnasium facilities, dress codes, curriculum and a miriad of other rules and regulations to accomodate the few Muslim students. In other words, some 40,000 other students will be forced, and I do mean forced to appease the peaceful, tolerant Muslim students. One more little item of note, the school districts will be required to honor all of the Islamic holidays. I use the word "demand" because the Muslims will not ask for permission, they will demand appeasement. They will get it, they always do!
A warning to Murfreesboro, this tolerance, and appeasement will get completely out of control if these Islamic guidelines are implemented and adhered to. Once the Muslims have the school teachers and board of education on the run, there will be no stopping them from completely taking over Rutherford County's entire school system, and government. In less than two years, (mark my words), the neighborhood surrounding the Murfreesboro Mosque will be unrecognizable. The two hundred Mosque members will grow into thousands. There will be more Mosques and additions will be added to the Islamic Center. They will dictate to Murfreesboro and Rutherford county how things will be run. They will populate Rutherford county until the Sheriff, the Mayor and most, if not all of the council are Muslim.
It is already too late to help Murfreesboro and Rutherford county and the misguided, duped and tolerant people who live there. It's not to late for the city or town in which you live. Something I mentioned once before regarding the way Muslims actually see and understand things to be. A Mosque and it's surrounding land is like an embassy, once the Mosque is built and occupied by Muslims, it becomes soveriegn Islamic territory, under Sharia Law, it is not required to obey any man made law (i.e., the Constitution) as only the laws of Allah are adhered to. If your neighborhood and or town is willing to obey the Muslims you invite, then the results, ramifications and collateral damage are on the heads and hands of your town and city councils. Remember, it is the citizens that vote for these people.
God Help Us
The Watchman