Friday, February 8, 2013


  I recently read a news headline that asked:
Are Drone Strikes on American Citizens Constitutional???

It rarely amazes me anymore when some supposed "journalist" asks dumb, and perhaps even irrelevant questions.  The time for these news journalists to awaken, is now.  
   Number one, the majority of useful idiots in this country just re-elected the first American Dictator.  So, the answer is simple.  No, nothing is unconstitutional, because America no longer has a Constitution.  Barack Hussein Obama does not recognize the Constitution as the rule of law.  It has to be apparent to every citizen and especially every "journalist/reporter" that Obama has never been obedient to the Constitution, and if I can see his disdain for the Constitution, then it should be easy for everyone else to see it too.  Putting that aside, what about those drones in America's skies?
  Is it the drones that are the point of contention?  Is it the semi-automatic weapons that are the point of contention?  Neither, actually it is the operator of these machines that makes the difference.  Any one person with an ounce of common sense knows that guns of any form, make or model, do not shoot themselves, someone has to load, aim and squeeze the trigger.  There are even a number of Liberal thinkers that have managed to retain a modicum cerebral function through the Obama brain-washing, know that guns are unable to fire themselves.  Which is why "gun control" legislation will not work, so it must be something else Obama, the UN, and our present government as a whole is up to.  That, of course is the ultimate disarming of the American people, plain and simple.  
  The same logic that tells us that "gun control" is futile at best, tells us that surveillance drones in the air over American cities and towns is a potential powder keg of controversy.  Logic tells us, that it's NOT the drones, it's the operators and controllers of the drones.  The drones are inanimate objects just as "guns" are inanimate objects until an operator/user employs it for what is designed to do, i.e., a gun is designed to fire a projectile in the direction it is pointed by the user.  By the same token, a drone is an unmanned flying device designed to do many tasks, but none of these tasks can be accomplished by the drone itself, there must be an operator/controller.  
  The essence of the problem then is the integrity, honesty, sanity and intention of the controller.  The drone can be used for many honest and good life-saving operations.  A drone depending on the controller, can be used to locate people who may be trapped in fallen buildings after an earthquake by using heat-sensing devices.  It can follow a car full of thieves or terrorists, or a car-jacker without having to engage in a high-speed chase, that could endanger the live of innocent motorists.  I could go on and on about the positive aspects of drone use, but I'm sure you can think of dozens of scenarios yourselves, you don't need me to point them out.  However, drones, guns, automobiles, knives, baseball bats, hammers, you name it, in the wrong hands can and will become a serious threat to society, that's a given.
  In Orwell's novel "1984", the government placed cameras everywhere, a person could not walk down the street without being photographed, a person could not even leave or arrive in their own home without reporting to a camera surveillance station, and show identification.  These spy devices were all sold to the people as a protective service for the safety and well being of the public.  Soon they became mandatory for every house, apartment and living space.  (Hmm, mandatory & mandate, those are two words that are becoming all to familiar)  Drones in the hands of narcissistic control freaks will become a serious threat to the well being and privacy of the public.  We are told that police drones are for surveillance only, they are not armed.  The question is, can they be armed, the answer is "yes".  If allowed to continue implementation, they will soon be armed, this you can count on.  They will be armed under the guise that it is for the public's protection, and to keep law enforcement officers out of harm's way.  It sounds like a worthwhile endeavor, but the diabolical control ramifications are all part of the sinister plan to control the American people.  I'm not a fear monger, nor am I an alarmist, but like many others out there, I can see the direction this entire "for the public good" thing is going, and I for one, do not like what I'm seeing.  
  President Obama wants the power to execute American citizens in suspected of alliance with Al Queda terrorist operations on foreign soil.  No trial, no due process.  Obama wants to be sole judge, jury and executioner, he also wants to pass along that same authority to his selected (not elected) minions.  The last I heard, this is still America, and we don't execute citizens on the suspicion premise, and without due process.  Keep in mind, Obama does not recognize the Constitution as the rule of law, do not expect him to abide by it.  I could possibly find some justification in executing an American citizen who takes up with known terrorist organizations in foreign counties, whose intent it is to do harm to innocent American citizens.  The problem I do have, is where will this all lead?  In the hands of people who are maniacally narcissistic and diabolically corrupt as President Obama, it won't be long before armed drones permeate the skies above America's states, cities and towns.  This administration will attempt to sell the idea of armed drones to the American public under the premise that it is for the good and safety of the people, and they will not be used unless there is certainty of criminal activity.  Which brings us to the crux, doesn't it?  Who decides the certainty of criminal behavior?  Is it the President alone, or could it be Janet Napolitano, or Eric Holder, or Nancy Pelosi?  Perhaps it will be the Mayor of your city or town, or even the Chief of Police, or even worse, the unknown control freak wacko who is operating the drone's remote control unit?  
  You may or may not be aware that in 2009, the Department of Homeland Security under the leadership of Janet Napolitano named those she felt could be considered terrorists in America.  The report was titled:  Hot Spots of Terrorism and Other Crimes in the United States, 1970-2008.  The reports, or series of reports had this to say:  Veterans or anyone that holds a conservative viewpoint should be eyed suspiciously by government as a potential domestic terrorist.  Police should be suspicious of any citizen that feels their way of life is endangered, anyone that is religious, and anyone that might be interested in "personal liberty, or "national sovereignty, or firearms."  The exact words in the report read as follows:  Extreme Right-Wing:  Groups that believe that one's personal and or national way of life is under attack and is either already lost or that the threat is imminent (for some, the threat is from specific ethnic, racial, or religious groups), and believe in the need to be prepared for an attack, either by participating in paramilitary preparations and training in survivalism.  Groups may also be fiercely nationalistic (as opposed to universal and international in orientation), anti-global, suspicious of centralized federal authority, reverent of individual liberty, and believe in conspiracy theories that involve grave threat to national sovereignty and or personal liberty. Ouch!!!  You noticed of course that there is absolutely no mention of Islamic Jihad Terrorists or the domestic Mosques in which they train...
  If Barack Hussein Obama or Janet Napolitano ever read  my Blog posts, and they get the power to indiscriminately execute suspicious people as described in the above report, I have no doubt that I will be on the Obama/Napolitano domestic terrorist kill list.  I do not look forward to a Sidewinder missile hitting my home, but if Obama gets the power, myself and many who write the things I write can anticipate some violent response from this administration.
  I am opposed to drones in America's skies, because I have no faith in the integrity or honesty of our government, especially this president who seems to be able to secure anything thing he desires, and is capable issuing illegal executive orders, without congressional outrage.  There hasn't been an honest and straight forward administration in this nation since George Washington retired.  My faith is in God, and God alone.  Any faith I ever had in the American people doing the right thing ended with the re-election of America's first dictator.
God help us.
The Watchman        

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


"A call to arms, 1775"

"A call to arms, 2013"

These are most certainly the times that try men's souls.  These are also the times that will test men's metal.  The picture above depicts the national militia mentioned in the 2nd Amendment of our great Constitution.  Citizens must retain their right to keep and bear arms.  The poster is Patrick Henry's response to England's demands that the American Colonists be disarmed, for reasons of maintaining order.  Does that sound familiar?  It should, because this is almost the exact terminology being used in Washington, D.C. today.  President Obama and his Liberal/Progressive minions are determined to disarm the free American citizen, to perpetuate the cause of safety and to maintain order.  I, for one am in total agreement with Patrick Henry!  Ceding our God given right to defend ourselves is humiliating and debasing degradation.  
  Under the guise of public safety, our president, his cabinet, and those whom he has designated are without a doubt attempting to disarm the American people, it is imperative to understand that motive, and to know that "gun control" doesn't mean gun control, but "total control"!  The Progressive/Liberal administration knows full well that an unarmed citizenry is a helpless and submissive citizenry.  Once the American people relinquish their firearms, slavery will ensue, and slavery will replace the freedom we now cherish.  To arms! To arms!  was the fuse for the "shot heard around the world."  Make no mistake, we are being governed by an oppressive and tyrannical government.  We do not have a president, we now have a ruler.  A ruler that has been duly elected by the people, and he has been emboldened by that election result.  There will be few elected representatives that will take a stand against tyranny, because they see that it was their constituents that allowed this dictator to retain office.  Our elected legislators are now in a position that dictates a self-preservation mentality.  So, be aware that this battle will eventually have to be fought by the people, for the people, and the victory only obtained of the people.  Stamping out this tyranny can only be accomplished by a people united under one cause, one flag, and one principle.  That cause is freedom, the flag is liberty, and the principle is equal justice under the law, not social justice under slavery.  America was founded by men who valued freedom of religion, freedom of movement, freedom to make decisions for themselves, freedom to pursue happiness.  It wasn't founded by men who felt that indebtedness to government was the only way.  "The tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants." (Thomas Jefferson)
That time may soon be at hand, so prepare to defend your liberty, your freedom your family and your home.
  This administration is using every means possible to divide this nation.  Black against White, Christian against Atheist and Agnostic.  Allowing the influx of illegal aliens from all walks of life and all countries of origin, not just Mexico and South America, but from enemy nations as well.  Division is a tool of Socialists, Communists, Fascists, and Progressives.  A divided nation can not stand, and will ultimately fall to the hands of the oppressor.  Under the guise of "tolerance", American Christians of all denominations are being forced to cave into pressure in numerous areas.  Abortion rights, Homosexual rights, Muslim rights and acceptance of the demands made by all of these.  But it is not only the Christians that are being oppressed, it is all freedom loving Americans that are under the gun, and are the targets under a Socialist/Progressive regime.  Every freedom loving American needs to awaken to the fact that this nation is being destroyed for all of us, all of our children and grand children.  The lives of those still yet unborn are in dire peril if we, the present day, year of our Lord 2013 patriots fail to stand up for what is right and good.  
  While the American citizen is being pressured to give up our weapons, our own Progressive government is arming the Muslim Brotherhood with 20 F-16 fighter jets and 200 Abrams Tanks, with armament capabilities second to none in the Middle East.  The Muslim Brotherhood has but one goal, and they do not make it a secret, and that is world domination and America, is in their cross hairs.  Yet our president and his demons continue to tell us that these are nothing but peaceful members of the Islamic Faith.  Do not be taken in by this propaganda.  Islam is the fastest growing so-called religion in America.  The Muslim faith, if allowed to continue at this growth rate will be the dominant religion in America by the year 2050.  Sound far off?  It's not, think about it.  If you are Christian parents with a grandson or grand-daughter just newborn, they will be living under the rule of Sharia by the time they reach the age of 37.  If that reality doesn't stir you just a little, then there is no hope for the future of Christian America, no hope for freedom, as there is no freedom under Islam.  I will more than likely be with my Lord in 37 years, but many of you who are still in your teens, 20's and 30's, you will see Islam dominate America.  Please do not be one of those who say in the year 2050, "how did this happen"?  In your heart you will know that it was you, who failed your progeny.
  Here are a couple of facts that is worth pondering:
1.  Unlike America's current political leaders, Muslims do not recognize the legitimacy of other faiths.  Their belief divides the world into two; the House of Islam (dar al-Islam), where Muslims rule and the law of Islam prevails, and the House of War (dar al Harb), comprising the rest of the world.  Between these two, there is a morally necessary, legally and religiously obligatory state of war, until the final triumph of Islam over unbelief. (Dr. Bernard Lewis)  For this reason, Muslims are unlikely to relinquish the cherished claims of their tradition before prevailing.
2.  No government organization or agency knows for sure how many Muslims are actually residing in America today.  Here are some factual numbers, you do the math.  There are at present, some 1,200(+-) mosques in the United States, there is an estimated 500 adults and children regularly participating in each Mosque.  At the Muslim's current growth rate, at 2.8 children per year, per family, there will be approximately 6 million-7 million Mosque registered Muslims in America by 2050, and this does not take into consideration the numbers of Muslims not Mosque affiliated.
  Most of the Muslim communities are poor, and are already living off American taxpayer government assistance.  Keep in mind, these Muslims do not wish to become American, and they will not assimilate to American society.  Most areas of America where Muslims have settled are nothing more than slum areas.  Muslims demand special treatment, Muslim communities get special treatment.  Appeasement of Muslim demands has become the norm in Federal, State and Local governments.  You know why that is, do you not?  Fear!!!  That's correct fear of Muslim reprisal allows Muslims to dictate procedure and protocol anywhere Muslims have become residents.  There is no end to Islam's quest for world domination.  And it will not end in America, unless Americans wake up from their "stupor of tolerance and political correctness", and stop caving to Muslim interests.  Perhaps you don't know that Muslims were instrumental in the writing, publishing and dissemination of school curriculum materials and text books in the states of Texas and California.  They are teaching our American students that the "Boston Tea Party" was a terrorist act.  They are teaching that Muslims discovered America before Vespucci and Columbus, they have teachers teaching that "Allah" is the one and only God Almighty.  Muslims have succeeded in being the only religion (if you can call it that) in the United States that does not have to adhere to the Liberal "separation of church and state theory".  Please check out the CScope Curriculum if you doubt my word.  Socialism too, is being methodically taught in schools around the country.  School children were recently asked to draw a Socialist Flag, also in Texas, I believe.  This is not something to be taken lightly.  Parents, and Grand parents, check the schools and find out what is being taught to your children and grand children.
God Help Us
The Watchman    

Monday, February 4, 2013

Obama a skeet shooter? You've Got To Be Joking!!!

Obama a skeet shooter? See new White House photo - Yahoo! News

Obama shooting skeet!!!  Are you kidding me?  Which one of these photographs are every bit as phony as his birth certificate?  My mind and judging from past truths coming from the Obama White House, I think that both are fake.
  It's hard for me to believe that the White House Public Relations people would even attempt passing these photos as authentic.  
  I have personally fired numerous rifles and shotguns in my lifetime.  Looking at the White House released photo (upper left) I see no sign of recoil.  My experience tells me that recoil from a 12 gauge shotgun, is always present immediately after squeezing the trigger.  I have been looking at this photo pretty close for a number of days, and I see no visible sign of recoil in Obama's face, or shoulder for that matter.  His fine girlie hands show no real apparent grip on the piece.  This shotgun was either loaded with a super light load, or it was photo-shopped into Obama's hands.  I ask, how many of you skeet shooters out there have aimed your gun straight down range from an apparent ground level shooting area in order to nail a clay pigeon?  My experiences in the skeet shooting realm, has been the muzzle pointing in an angled upward trajectory, perhaps 10 or 11 o'clock, unless firing at pigeons coming from a launcher below where I was standing, which doesn't appear to be the venue where Obama is shooting from. 
  How convenient this photo should appear in this past week.  Obama wants to show people (gun owners) that he's one of us.  He would also like everyone to believe that the 2nd Amendment was written to protect the gun rights of hunters and skeet sportsmen like himself.  What a load of lead shot that is.  All gun owners know why there is a 2nd Amendment, and why our founders justified our God given right to protect our families, our homes and ourselves.  That's correct, God gave us the right to defend ourselves, the 2nd Amendment gave us the right to defend ourselves against a tyrannical government, should that cause become justifiably apparent, and it appears to be approaching that point.
  There really isn't much more to say on this subject, except that the lies and the baloney continues to spew from the White House.  After all, isn't it nice to know that Obama goes to Camp David, grabs his shotgun, heads to the range and shoots skeet all the time, I know it makes me feel better to know he's just one of the boys!  His skeet shooting adventures that he participates in all the time, and just now, when he's doing all he can to prove himself a friend of the 2nd Amendment, the White released one of the many, many photos of him enjoy the sport of sporting clays.  Who would have thunk it?  Not me, not anyone that I know is buying into the Obama's a sportsman ruse.  
  God Help Our Nation
The Watchman