Saturday, November 12, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
Does Iran Want Israel to Attack? » Publications » Family Security Matters
Does Iran Want Israel to Attack? » Publications » Family Security Matters
There is absolutely no doubt that Iran wants to incite Israel to attack. It is not just Iran that would welcome an Israeli attack, the entire Islamic community is waiting and hoping that Israel will make a preemptive assault. The nation of Islam has been building toward this goal for years, and it is the non-action of the President Obama and the U.N. that has placed Israel in this precarious position. Israel can either wait to be attacked by from an Iranian nuclear weapon that all the world has allowed them to build, or Israel can attack Iran and face the condemnation of the rest of the world. The circumstances do not give Israel much of a choice. They have been placed in that proverbial spot, between a rock and hard place. The entire Middle East will explode and retaliate against Israel should they attack Iran's nuclear sites. After all, that is the plan. I suppose there is a chance that common sense would win out, and Israel's neighboring nations will see and understand that Israel in essence, had no viable alternative. We all know that the nation of Islam doesn't encourage common sense, and we know that they all hate Israel, and a preemptive Israeli attack would give Islam a sick and perverted reason in which to destroy Israel, if they can. Alone, there is no country in the Middle East that could stand against Israel in a one on one, or even a two on one. With the help of Russia, North Korea, and the absence of American aid to Israel, Islam would of course vanquish the Jews. I mentioned the absence of American aid to Israel, because our President has made no bones about expressing his disdain for Israel and the very existence of the Jewish State. Consequently there is no reason to believe that Obama would abandon Islam to protect America's long time ally. Obama needs Islam, he doesn't need the Israelis. It's a numbers game with President Obama. Simply put Islam has a billion useful idiots and Israel, well Israel is insignificant in numbers of people he can use. Islam knows terror and how to use it. The followers of Allah are tribal, tenacious, blood thirsty, degenerate for the most part, uneducated and have little regard for human life, which is apparent in their penchant for setting their children up as suicide bombers. Not to mention murdering their children and wives in honor killings, need I go on? If Obama was the doctor, Muslims are just what the doctor ordered.
The new One World Order, and the false messiah are right around the corner. It is chaos that will bring him forward. It's not a matter of "if" but "when" will he arrive and in what form. Islam is just another tool for the elite leftists, and even with all their population, in the end, they too will cease to exist.
Now we can believe that mankind will destroy itself in a last world wide nuclear holocaust. Or we can believe that the interpretation of Bible prophecy is spot on. We Christians have been taught that God will not allow man to destroy His children "Israel". Attacks on Israel according to what we've been taught will surely bring about Armageddon, and the second coming of Jesus Christ, the Rapture of the saved, and Tribulation, not necessarily in that exact order. Theories differ in the interpretations of this particular prophecy.
If you are not walking with the Lord, if you haven't accepted the gift of salvation, then tomorrow may be too late. It is apparent that, for lack of any other foreseeable direction, Israel will launch an attack on Iran's nuclear sites in the very near future. There once was a shot heard round the world, an Israeli attack may be the last shot heard round the world. No matter how noble, Israel's preemptive strike will more than likely, not be seen as a defensive act, but as an act of aggression. Gog and Magog are forming the unholy alliance in Europe, the Middle East and Asia, and yes in the West, of this make no mistake. I believe that the test of Bible prophecy is on the horizon, North, South, East and West of Israel.
Prepare yourselves physically for the hard times to come, as they surely will. Most importantly, prepare yourselves spiritually.
God Help Us
The Watchman
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Any country, any religion and any parent that would willingly subject their children to this, would certainly welcome an attack by Israel, as it would benefit Allah! |
There is absolutely no doubt that Iran wants to incite Israel to attack. It is not just Iran that would welcome an Israeli attack, the entire Islamic community is waiting and hoping that Israel will make a preemptive assault. The nation of Islam has been building toward this goal for years, and it is the non-action of the President Obama and the U.N. that has placed Israel in this precarious position. Israel can either wait to be attacked by from an Iranian nuclear weapon that all the world has allowed them to build, or Israel can attack Iran and face the condemnation of the rest of the world. The circumstances do not give Israel much of a choice. They have been placed in that proverbial spot, between a rock and hard place. The entire Middle East will explode and retaliate against Israel should they attack Iran's nuclear sites. After all, that is the plan. I suppose there is a chance that common sense would win out, and Israel's neighboring nations will see and understand that Israel in essence, had no viable alternative. We all know that the nation of Islam doesn't encourage common sense, and we know that they all hate Israel, and a preemptive Israeli attack would give Islam a sick and perverted reason in which to destroy Israel, if they can. Alone, there is no country in the Middle East that could stand against Israel in a one on one, or even a two on one. With the help of Russia, North Korea, and the absence of American aid to Israel, Islam would of course vanquish the Jews. I mentioned the absence of American aid to Israel, because our President has made no bones about expressing his disdain for Israel and the very existence of the Jewish State. Consequently there is no reason to believe that Obama would abandon Islam to protect America's long time ally. Obama needs Islam, he doesn't need the Israelis. It's a numbers game with President Obama. Simply put Islam has a billion useful idiots and Israel, well Israel is insignificant in numbers of people he can use. Islam knows terror and how to use it. The followers of Allah are tribal, tenacious, blood thirsty, degenerate for the most part, uneducated and have little regard for human life, which is apparent in their penchant for setting their children up as suicide bombers. Not to mention murdering their children and wives in honor killings, need I go on? If Obama was the doctor, Muslims are just what the doctor ordered.
The new One World Order, and the false messiah are right around the corner. It is chaos that will bring him forward. It's not a matter of "if" but "when" will he arrive and in what form. Islam is just another tool for the elite leftists, and even with all their population, in the end, they too will cease to exist.
Now we can believe that mankind will destroy itself in a last world wide nuclear holocaust. Or we can believe that the interpretation of Bible prophecy is spot on. We Christians have been taught that God will not allow man to destroy His children "Israel". Attacks on Israel according to what we've been taught will surely bring about Armageddon, and the second coming of Jesus Christ, the Rapture of the saved, and Tribulation, not necessarily in that exact order. Theories differ in the interpretations of this particular prophecy.
If you are not walking with the Lord, if you haven't accepted the gift of salvation, then tomorrow may be too late. It is apparent that, for lack of any other foreseeable direction, Israel will launch an attack on Iran's nuclear sites in the very near future. There once was a shot heard round the world, an Israeli attack may be the last shot heard round the world. No matter how noble, Israel's preemptive strike will more than likely, not be seen as a defensive act, but as an act of aggression. Gog and Magog are forming the unholy alliance in Europe, the Middle East and Asia, and yes in the West, of this make no mistake. I believe that the test of Bible prophecy is on the horizon, North, South, East and West of Israel.
Prepare yourselves physically for the hard times to come, as they surely will. Most importantly, prepare yourselves spiritually.
God Help Us
The Watchman
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
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Reading The Above Email Should Make You Weep GOD HELP US |
"The evidence and the verbal testimony of starvation, cruelty and bestiality were so overpowering as to leave me a bit sick. In one room, where they [there] were piled up twenty or thirty naked men, killed by starvation, George Patton would not even enter. He said that he would get sick if he did so. I made the visit [to Gotha] deliberately, in order to be in a position to give first-hand evidence of these things if ever, in the future, there develops a tendency to charge these allegations merely to "propaganda." (General Dwight D. Eisenhower; from page 223 of Dear General: Eisenhower's Wartime Letters to Marshall.)
To the too few who survived the Holocaust to the many of us who have seen pictures and documents regarding the death camps, the ovens and gas chambers where Hitler's Nazis exterminated Jews and Christians like they were just so much trash. We are reminded of that terrible time in history were one man's orders were responsible for the almost total annihilation of the Jewish race.
When WWII ended, America along with the rest of the world, with the exception of the Muslim nations, swore that we as the human race would never allow this to happen again. For some 66 years, we've tried to keep that pact. I guess that's why it is so difficult to comprehend what is happening in America and around the world today. Once again, the Jews and their Christian allies are the targets of hatred and persecution. 66 years, is that all we could get from such a passionate promise we made with each other?
America has elected a President who blatantly shows his disdain for Jews and their tiny sovereign nation that is surrounded by Muslim nations who voice their intent to wipe Israel from the face of the map. The leaders of these Muslim nations are invited to speak and voice their disgusting vitriol to audiences of American students on college and university campus' in the United States. Our President Obama just recently at the G20 Summit shook hands with many dignitaries of many nations, but he saved his big comforting hug for the Muslim President of Turkey, one of the most outspoken Jew haters in the world, second only the President of Iran.
The world is speeding up to a Jew hating frenzy, that if not stopped will most assuredly lead to the second holocaust. The anti-Jew, anti-God and anti-Jesus Christ proponents are gaining ground, and it appears that there is no one country ready to stand with Israel. Christian persecution in America and all over the West is rampant. In the Middle-East, Christians are being murdered by the hundreds, and our President and this congress remain silent. Anti-Jewish sentiment permeates the Occupy Wall Street crowd, calls for a new round of Jewish elimination, not heard since 1930's Germany are not only being voiced, but being passed around the Internet. Catholic as well as Protestant charities are being shunned and participation discouraged through the political correctness in America's military and courtrooms.
I can't help but believe that the German people saw the same signs of the coming holocaust, but they too, stood by, turned the other way and maybe even hoped it would all go away. I wonder if any of them knew that Jew and Christian hatred would go as far as it did? Pictures and documentation of what happened in Nazi Germany and all of Nazi occupied Europe, not only gave us proof of the holocaust, but gave us the signs for this generation to watch for. Now, the signs are there for us to see, and warnings are there for Americans and Europeans to heed, but will we? Amazingly enough, the persecution of religions in America is not all encompassing, for example, Islam is the most protected religion in the world, except for America, and soon the same will be true here. Islam is the New World Order's number one useful idiot.
Upheaval is on the horizon, of this make no mistake. There are still churches and pastors and ministers who refuse to preach the truth about Islam, Christian murders around the globe, anti-Semitism and the coming control of the New World Order. It is necessary and imperative that people research and get informed for their own survival and protection, and that of their families.
Keep your eyes to the heavens, watch for the signs.
God Help Us
The Watchman
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
White House Calls Solyndra Subpoena ‘Unreasonable Burden on the President’s Ability to Meet His Constitutional Duties’
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Unreasonable Burden, my patoot!!! More like "I can't answer a subpoena, I've too many vacations planned for my last year"! |
This administration has more lame excuses for shirking duty and responsibility than any administration in American history, and that includes Carter and Clinton. At least Carter had his brother and the peanut farm and Clinton had the Monica distraction. The only thing that keeps Obama from carrying out his Presidential duties is his and hers vacation plans.
Actually, that's not a true statement, Obama has no intention of carrying out the duties of the White House or his office. He may be serving as President, but he wants to be dictator. So while all the Occupiers are burning and attacking store owners and workers, Obama is out campaigning and pushing his worthless jobs bill. Hey, Obama knows the bill is worthless, this whole thing is just another distraction. The Wall Street Occupiers aren't there to make a point, they are there to be destructive, and that's exactly why Obama endorses and encourages their presence.
I've been warning that this administration will accomplish nothing if there isn't chaos in the streets of America. For the few OWS's that may have had a legitimate beef with the fat cats as it were, they need to look around and see that their legitimate cause has been hijacked by the deadbeats and the lowly drug laden riff raff of our society. People who take some kind of twisted pleasure at defecating on police cars and in the aisles of churches, urinating in the streets, raping and assaulting innocent passers by, and each other are the pathetic mob that once was OWS. These are the occupiers of everything that have spent most of their lives sucking the life blood of true Americans. Obama touts respect for the causes of these degenerates, because in fact, in his heart, he is one of them. The only difference between Barack Obama and a run of the mill OWS thug, is that Obama wears better clothes. Other than that, they've both been sucking money from the hard working taxpayer for most of their pitiful existence.
I will never understand how anyone, whether a normal American citizen or even a professional politician can't see that this community organizer is strangling the goose that lays the golden egg. Complete idiots like Barney Frank, Chuck Schummer, Harry Reed, Nancy Pelosi and numerous other dim wits are on the verge of losing everything to the Socialist/Communist in the White House. I'm thinking that they have all been promised a place in Obama and Soros' New World Order. Trust me, the only reason they're still on the payroll is that Obama needs them for now. When the time comes, and the New Order takes hold, the first people Obama will eliminate are numbskull's that helped him get to the top. I mean think about it, no true leader would surround himself with stupidity. I just find it pathetic that these people even manage to get re-elected in the first place.
Make no mistake, when the Obama time comes, the Reeds, Pelosi's, Franks and Dodds will be trampled in the dust heap of history just like the rest of us. The only redeeming factor, there will be those of us who fought this insurrection and those useful idiots that brought it about. We will know who we are, and we will know who they were. The very government that these liberals are bringing about will be the government that destroys them, the enablers.
Sweet, sweet irony, isn't it???
God Help Us,
The Watchman
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