Saturday, December 12, 2009


They just keep spending, and spending, don't they? Both parties have their proverbial snouts in the trough. Is it any wonder that the citizens of this nation are clinging closer and closer to their Bibles and guns. I honestly believe that most of us see Armageddon in the offing, and not too far off either. Our government is systematically bringing America to the precipice of economic ruin. People like Barack Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi have their feet at our back, and are poised to kick the United States into financial oblivion.

Now, I know that many of you feel that Obama and his communist/socialist cronies, are just experiencing errors in judgement. Some of you say Obama is just naive, and needs to be given a chance. My question, can we afford to give him another chance? Can we afford to have Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi in command of the legislature? Or, does it even matter? I contend, it doesn't matter! Barack Obama has found ways to make this country's legislature obsolete. In all actuality, our legislature has been instrumental in making themselves obsolete. They have relinquished their law making power to Obama. Through the Czars, and agencies like the EPA, and Homeland Security, and men like Cass Sunstein, Rham Emmanuel, Geithner, and Bernanke, Obama has already usurped the power from the people, and the congress. Where will it end? I assure you, I do not know, but one thing I do know for sure, our future does not look very promising. Unless of course you are a Socialist/Communist, and you don't mind the government controlling every aspect of your life.

The new Omnibus Spending Bill, that will no doubt pass the Senate as it has the House. It, in essence, is of little consequence. Ladies and Gentlemen, it doesn't matter, if we fight this and win, they will just spend the money some other way. You see it doesn't make any difference what they have earmarked the funds for. If it weren't these earmarks, they would just make different ones. Do you understand what I am trying to say? The Health Care Bill, the Climate Bill, the TARP funds, TARP 2 funds, the global warming scam, wind power, solar power, the new Smart Power Grid, and Ethynol. They are all merely ploys to spend America into a hole, to bring our economy to an end. They are a means to an end. It's all about control, redistribution of wealth, about population control, One World Government. If it's plain enough for me to see it, then you must see it too, you have too!!! Unless, we stop it here, in America, it will come to pass, one currency, one world government. All nations will be Banana Republics, only the Extremely Rich will remain solvent, this is, and I hate to say it, It Is A Conspiracy!!! Look around you, how many people are out of work, 10%? I don't think so, it's more like 20%, and that's just the beginning. The fastest growing employer in the country is the government. What does that tell you? It tells me, we're in deep trouble. I know that conspiracy theories are not well received, but I'm telling you, that all the things occurring are not mistakes, they are planned. Everything from not closing the borders, to Cap and Trade, to the Climate Change Scam, the removal of God from society, government takeover of private corporations, bailouts of financial institutions, all are just a MEANS TO AN END, our END!!! God Help Us

Thursday, December 10, 2009

CPO15 Video

I just finished watching the Video that the Copenhagen Climate Conference opened with. It is a disgusting lying piece of propaganda, it is being used to frighten the children of the world, so that these Global Warming Environmentalists can literally steal trillions of dollars from tax payers world wide, to fund a combat against climate change. It made me sick to my stomach to know that adults would prey on helpless children. These children that will be forced to watch a fictitious video as this, and be taught that this is the future, are nothing but pawns in a giant politically motivated rape of the human race. There is no excuse, but greed. These perpetrator's should be tried for treason against humanity, and hanged somewhere for all the world to see. They deserve no better!!!

There is NO global warming, there is NO man made climate change, there is NOTHING man can do to combat the natural scheme of things. The earth's climate has always changed, and changed again. A prime example is Greenland Glaciers. Isn't anyone wondering why Greenland was named Greenland. It's because at one time it was "GREEN", it was farmed by the Norsemen, the Vikings if you will. The glaciers that formed over Greenland are not man made, the fact that Iceland is now able to be farmed, gee I wonder how it got it's name? This is also not the result of anything that man has done. The earth is a living breathing planet, created by God, it has the ability to change, and change again, a built in survival mechanism. These environmentalists are doing nothing to help the planet or mankind. They are merely arrogant in thinking that they can control something that God gave life too, as if it were an animal to be tamed. If their arrogance isn't enough, they are on the verge of stealing our very way of life in the name of saving mankind from itself. They do not care about you, or the welfare of the planet, they are using this entire ruse to steal money, control the population, and redistribute wealth. I would so much love to be wrong on this one, but I do not believe I am. God Help Us

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

"A Day That WIll Live I Infamy" Oh yeah???

Was it me, or did anyone else notice a serious lack of coverage yesterday, December 7, 1941? I can't possibly be the only one to remember that date. Remember Pearl Harbor???

It took a long time I guess for the news media to forget the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, I suppose they just didn't want to offend the Japanese. Are we now afraid to offend the Japanese, and the Muslims? Well, I can hardly wait for everyone to forget D-Day. I know the French have already forgotten.

A shame, a real shame. I am for once, at a loss for words.

I will remember Pearl, and D-Day, and 9/11, and I don't care if it offends anyone!!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009


1. If you believe that after marching 20 miles with a full pack, a 90-lb woman is every bit as effective in combat as a 190-lb man.

2. If you believe that two men living together and engaging in oral sex, and sodomy are now a family.

3. If you believe that after adding 15 to 20 million uninsured, will not result in higher taxes, health rationing, and higher insurance premiums for people already insured.

4. If you believe the cure for illegal immigration, is amnesty for all 20 million illegals, and that a blanket amnesty won't cause 20 million more to head for our borders, and cross illegally as their predecessor's did.

5. If you believe that a man who has his male genitalia removed, takes a few female hormone shots, is now a woman, in every aspect of the word.

6. If you believe that all criminal's, jihadist's, and psycho's will obey the gun laws.

7. If you believe that if we are politically correct, and do not call a Muslim extremist a terrorist, then they will leave us alone.

8. If you believe that if the Palestinians are given their own state, that in turn they will leave Israel in peace.
9. If you believe that abortion is not the murderous destruction of a helpless human being, and knowing when life begins is above your pay grade.