Saturday, June 16, 2012


Dateline:  March 14, 1778
  On March 14, 1778, George Washington, then Commander in Chief of the Continental Army, approved the sentencing of LT Enslin on attempted sodomy of another soldier.  General Washington called it an infamous crime to be viewed "with Abhorrence and Detestation".  He ordered Enslin "to be drummed out of the Camp tomorrow by all the Drummers and Fifers in the Army never to return.
  This factual story is proof that at one time in history, the American military was moral and principled.  What ever happened?  This past week, the Secretary of Defense and the President of the United States are celebrating the epitome of immorality.  The Pentagon officials have announced that they will participate in June's Gay Pride month and host the first military event honoring Gay and Lesbian troops.
  So, what is it that is so special about Gays and Lesbians in the military ranks, or even in civilian populace, that determines that homosexual behavior should be celebrated by the nation?  In the military; are homosexuals more brave than straights?  Are homosexuals more courageous under fire?  Are homosexuals so very special that they deserve an entire month of national celebration?  Or have we as a nation become so depraved that the act of "SODOMY" has become something of a standard to admire?  Someone in Washington, D.C., someone at the Pentagon really needs to explain why open homosexuality among the military ranks is something to be celebrated.  What is it about the thought of two men having anal and oral sex that the Generals, the President and the Secretary of Defense find so appealing, that they have decided it deserves celebration on a national level?  What's next?  Will there be a special "Rainbow Ribbon", or better yet a "Homosexual Medal of Valor" for coming out of the closet?  Perhaps a "Not-so-Good Conduct Medal".  Will the military have to find a politically correct way to issue the "Dishonorable Discharge" so as not to offend the other homosexuals?  None of this makes any sense, none at all, and yet it is happening.  
  Allowing open homosexuality in the military can not and will not do anything to enhance combat preparedness.  It does however, segregate the troops, as though the troops need additional segregation.  Pandering to the Gay and Lesbian lobby does nothing by split troops, undermine their effectiveness, and negate esprit'de corps.  From the beginning, this open homosexuality experiment, starting with the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell", has been a political move on the part of a corrupt President, who has been instrumental in corrupting the military leaders of this nation.  All though, I do not know how any General, or any Command Officer, or even any Command Sergeant Major can see this open homosexuality as an asset to military effectiveness or decorum.  One thing the celebration of open homosexuality in our military does do, it makes America the laughing stock of the planet.  
  The president stated that he would fundamentally transform the United States of America, and he is doing just that.  He is transforming America's morality into immorality.  He has transformed America's rule of law into America's most corrupt government in the history of our nation.  He has removed honorable principles and replaced them with lies and falsehoods, to the point where adherence to fundamental truth, integrity and good conduct, are no longer recognizable in our government, military or business communities.  Oh yes, Barack Obama has already changed this country, and none of it for good.  Under Obama, Christianity is persecuted and ignored, yet Islam is exalted and protected.  The truth is now labeled "hate speech".  Those who speak the truth in America are referred to as "racists", "bigots", "homophobic", "Islamophobic", "trouble makers", or"inciters of violence".  Preaching from the Bible has been labeled as exhorting hate speech, because of it's undeniable truth and the conviction it pervades.  The Islamic Qur'an is being protected, even though it encourages violence against any non-believer.  Oh yes, Barack Obama has changed this country.  
  Here are some findings stated by congress in 1993 that supported "Don't ask, don't tell."  
1.  There is no  constitutional right to serve in the armed forces.
2.  Military life is fundamentally different from civilian life.
3.  The prohibition against homosexual conduct is a long-standing element of military law.
4.  The presence of persons who demonstrate a propensity or intent to engage in homosexual acts would create and unacceptable risk to the high standards or morale, good order and discipline, and unit cohesion that are the essence of military capability.  
  Number (4) is an important statement, as it shows just how depraved and degenerative our elected leaders have become since the year 1993.  The entire "Open Homosexuality" in the military is nothing but a social experiment, an experiment that will ultimately result in an extreme weakening of our military operational effectiveness, (but that is the plan, isn't Mr. President?) and countless avoidable deaths due to the obvious distractions that accompany open homosexuality, that may become prevalent in combat situations.  Our sons and daughters will be expected to work around yet another government imposed entanglement.  The laws may have changed, but make no mistake, the findings have not changed.  Because the findings remain legitimate, this open homosexual conduct in the military must be repealed, at the earliest possible opportunity. 
  The practice of homosexuality is an abomination unto the Lord.  God will not honor or bless those who encourage this practice, anymore than He will bless and honor those who continue to engage in it.
  A prodigal nation we have become.  We Christians are standing idly by, while our nation is being led down the road to perdition.  It is past time for Christians to get back to the reading and practicing of the Word of God.  
  We have an election in the offing, America can ill-afford to blow this last chance to turn the nation around.  It is imperative that prior to casting your vote, you seek the wisdom and advice of God.  Do not vote from your wallets and purses, vote from Biblical principle.  If you have not read the Bible, I suggest you find one, get into it before this coming November.   Walk with the Lord, pray daily for guidance.
Support candidates at all levels that closest share your same Christian principles and adhere to the Bible.  Vet your candidate, if he/she has lied to you in the past, he/she will lie to you again.  
Be diligent, be vigilant, we as a free nation, as a Democratic Republic cannot allow the continuation of this culture of corruption in our local, state and federal governments.  
God Help Us
The Watchman     

Thursday, June 14, 2012



  The American people never cease to amaze me.  Have we become so tolerant, and so accepting of political correctness that we have forgotten who our enemies are?  In the year prior to the Muslim attack on the World Trade Center, there were approximately 1,209 Mosques in America.  (That year by the way was 2001).  As of 2010 the number of Mosques in America has increased by a whopping 74% to 2,106.  Since that time, the number of Mosques in the United States has continued to increase substantially.  Even more surprising, at least to me, are the cities where Islam has been embraced and are flourishing beyond Muhammad's wildest dreams.  In 2010, the number on Mosques in New York (of all places) is 257, in California there were 246 and Texas a close 3rd with a mere 166 Mosques. 
  The biggest question I ask myself is why the slobbering embrace of a culture that threatens and carries out destruction wherever it goes.  Do Americans have some kind of penchant for archaic barbarism?  Or is it the fact that many Americans are absolutely frightened out of their wits?  Is it because Americans have lost their will to fight against evil?  I believe that there are many excuses Americans will use for embracing the enemy, but the number one reason in my mind is that Americans no longer have God in the forefront of their culture.  Loss of the knowledge between good and evil, and the courage to stop evil in America, is also lost.  God, Christianity, integrity, honesty, valor, and competition have been systematically erased from the American culture.  What is left, is the hollow shell of what was once a great, unique and strong nation.  Our children are being taught that there are no losers in life, and that they are all winners, because they try.  This is a very dangerous curriculum.  Children in America can no longer be reprimanded as it may hurt their feelings.  Children in America are taught that by simply loving your enemies, that they will leave them alone.  This is not reality, not by a long shot. 
  In a wonderful, peaceful Utopian society as the Progressives are trying to build, with everyone happy with being led around by the nose and supported by government, sounds good, but it will be very disappointing.  There can be no peace without the courage to fight for it.  There is no freedom and no liberty in Socialism, Marxism, Communism, or Islam.  "Those who pound their weapons into plowshares, will plow for those who do not."  That my friends is reality!
  At a time when Islam is the most protected religion(?) in the world, and when Christianity and Judaism are becoming the most persecuted, where are those media outlets and those human rights organizations?  Why are there no human rights people coming to the defense of Christians being mass murdered by Muslims all around the world every day?  Where, where is the ACLU, and the women's rights organizations.  America is slowly becoming the most pacifistic country on the planet.  Islam is the epitome of barbaric laws, the largest perpetrator of violence against women.  Islam is the most intolerant of all cultures in the world.  Yet, Americans seem to be embracing Islam.  Islam, Islamic Sharia are the total antitheses of everything that America was founded on, and fought for.  Yet, Islam is embraced here, why?  What is it about Islam that Americans feel attracted to? 
  Here's a theory:  Could it be that Islam appeals to Americans, because so many Americans are lost?  Could it be that Islam is strong and determined in their beliefs and their structure?  For many years, the Christian religion offered unwavering righteousness, and morality.  Christianity was a leader in both the people's private and public lives.  Has Christianity become so passive and un-influential in the lives of people, and the public, that they are turning to the strength in an evil belief structure, out of desparation?
It is a well known fact, that the general population of any culture needs strong leaders.  The American culture has, in a way been neutered.  Think about it, the parents in America have little or no control over their children.  What society has done is remove the parent's ability to guide and lead and discipline according to Biblical instructions.  Our society in it's quest for passive behavior, has resulted in lack of strength and leadership.  The American society has been so passive, so permissive, that there is very little room for personal initiative.  Children are being taught that society owes them a living, that they have equal rights to whatever everyone else has, and they shouldn't have to earn anything.  Christianity was once the mainstay of original American culture.  But Christianity has become soft, tolerant, indifferent and it has lost it's positive influence on Americans and especially America's youth.  Bible teachings have become so watered down that there is very little for anyone to grasp hold of.  When people need a strong hand to lead them, they can't grab hold of a hand full of water.  Many Christian churches no longer teach the truth of the Bible.  The result of that is weakness.  The people perceive Christianity as weak, because Christians will not stand together united in our beliefs.  Christians have compromised their leadership into non-existence.  In my opinion, Islam appeals to Americans, because it stands up for what it believes in.  Regardless of how, violent, ruthless, barbaric and backwards Islam is, it represents strength to the lost.  Most Christian churches do not offer a firm hand and strong beliefs anymore.  Christian organizations whether they be Catholic or Protestant, are offering diluted and luke-warm theology, without substance.  
  Lost people will gravitate to perceived strength, regardless of whether it is evil or not.  Germans were easily led by Hitler, because they were lost and desperate.  Russians followed Marx, Stalin, Lenin because they were lost, and Communism offered strength.  Here in America, the Christian churches were always the center of the community.  People gathered at churches during crisis', because they found strength there.  The question is, can people still find strength in their church?  Or, will they find a church that is willing to compromise their belief in order to produce numbers of luke warm Christians?  
  Islam is not the answer, and Islam needs to be fought at every turn.  If Christians will not stand for Jesus, they will fall!
An American Indian chief one said of the government representative, that was sent from Washington to negotiate a treaty with the Sioux.  After having had numerous treaties broken by the president, Sitting Bull said:  "There is no iron in the president's words."  A lesson to be learned, if Christianity is to triumph over the evils of Islam.  Christian churches need to offer the people "words that contain iron."  Think about it.
God Help Us
The Watchman