Saturday, September 3, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
AHHH Yes, Arab Spring!!!
Arab Spring, a season of peace and tranquility, as long as Christians toe the line that is!!! Who is this man with the rag on his head? He is Shiekh 'Adel Shehato, never heard of him, well, you will! This sweet Shiekh has a hatred for democracy that is unrivaled in the Muslim world. This Shiekh said that democracy is not the faith of Muslims (as if democracy was a faith in the first place). He said democracy is the faith of the Jews and Christians. He goes on to say that sharia is his ultimate goal, and that "rule by the people" is unacceptable, once Allah's law is applied, the role of the people will end and Allah will reign supreme. (The Shiekh sure sounds like one of those Muslims who just can't wait to assimilate to the American and Western culture, doesn't he?) Shiekh Shehato said that if the mujaheddin came to power in Egypt (which by the way is entirely possible.), they would launch a campaign of Islamic conquests aimed at subjecting the entire world to Islamic rule. Muslim ambassadors would be appointed to each country, charged with calling upon them to join Islam willingly, but if the countries refused, war would be waged against them. (That must be that Peaceful religion that Obama keeps telling us about.) In an interview with an Egyptian Daily Newspaper "Roz Al-Yousef the Shiekh answered two questions: Question 1. "But we Egyptians have never regarded the Christians as infidels. In fact, many of us have Christian friends even closer than our Muslim friends." Shiekh's Answer: "As a Muslim, I must support the Muslim and oppose the Christian. If there is a Christian who does me no harm, I will maintain limited contact with him. Islam [discusses] certain degrees of contact with the Christian, namely: keeping promises [that were made to him], dealing honestly with him, treating him kindly, and befriending him. (Now get this). The first three are allowed, but the fourth [i.e., befriending the Christian] is deemed dangerous, for it contravenes the verse that says, 'O you who believe! Do not take my enemy as your enemy for friends: would you offer them love while they deny what has come to you of the truth' [Koran 60:1]. It is inconceivable that they should serve in judiciary or executive posts, for instance in army or the police." Question 2: "Are you against blowing up churches?" Shiekh's Answer: "Yes and no. The Christian is free to worship his god in his church, but if the Christians make problems for the Muslims, I will exterminate them. (That must be that tolerant and civility of Islam that Obama keeps talking about.) I am guided by the Shari'a, and it stipulates that they (Christians) must pay the jizya tax while in a state of humiliation..." Yes, peaceful Islam, how could I have ever misunderstood the goal of Muslims around the world. Didn't our President say that Islam was the most civil and tolerant of faiths? Yes, I'm sure that's exactly what he said. Well there's no doubt in my mind anymore, I'm going to run out, find the nearest Mosque and invite the entire horde of them to dinner. NOT!!! Am I misunderstanding Islam, are all the terrorists misunderstanding the peace and tranquility of their own faith? I think they understand their faith just fine. It's the liberal idiots in America that are totally flummoxed about Islam, it's goals and how it intends to achieve those goals. I can't understand for the life of me why, so many Americans can listen to a person like our friend Shiekh Shehato spew his Koranic murdering vitriol and then ignore what he says. It is obvious that his Muslim terrorists minions are believing him, and will carry out his "fatwa" (order). There just is no answer for the complete apathy and ignorance of Americans who think Islam is our friend. How difficult is it to believe a man when he threatens to kill you and your friends and family, and then when he kills one your friends, you just pretend that it's not happening? I will never understand the liberal stance on Islam, not in a million years! Once again I find myself repeating warnings after warnings, I just cannot help myself. So here it goes: Islam is not peaceful, it is not tolerant, and they do intend to restore a New Caliphate and dominate and enslave the world's infidels. Understand, Christians and Jews are not the only infidels that Islam wants to either enslave or exterminate. Atheists, Gays, Lesbians, Transgendered, Protestants of all denominations, are all under the heading (or shall I say "be-heading") of infidels, in the eyes of Koran believing Muslims. No one is or will be exempt from Islamic rule, if Islam is allowed to expand and rule. How difficult is this to understand. You Protestant preachers and liberal priests out there, who think that by opening your churches to Islam is somehow going to save your necks, are dearly mistaken. Islam does not see appeasers as friends, but they do see appeasers as weak, and ready for domination. Do not be a traitor to Jesus Christ by allowing your congregation to believe that there is more than one way to heaven, by giving credence to Islam, that's exactly what you are doing. " I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father but through me." Jesus did not say "me" or "Allah" or Baal, or Muhammad. Jesus said "me", and he meant "me" (Jesus, the Son of God). God Help Us Sincerely, The Watchman |
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Congressional Black Caucus Declares ‘War’ on Tea Party | Calls for Civil Unrest in Their Neighborhoods and Homes | Video |
"I have a nightmare"! |
This is obviously how the Congressional Black Caucus operates. If none of them can find anything good about the President, then they have no choice but to "declare war" (did I hear that right?) on the TEA Party. Racism is alive and well in America alright, but it's not where you might have thought it was. No, it's not in the run down ghettos of New York City or Los Angeles, or even in the old Chicago neighbor where Barack Obama was a community organizer. (That was before he became America's "Divider In Chief"). This vitriolic hate speech isn't spewing from the mouths of Louis Farrakhan or even the New Black Panthers. This "we hate the White man's TEA Party" is resonating from Capitol Hill and the Congressional Black Caucus. Whatever happened to the civility that Obama called for? I appears this is just another in a long line of racist double standards that permeates the political realm. Is it any wonder that many White folks are more than a little apprehensive when they are approached by Black folks? It's not really Blackophobia is it? Why I wonder, are only White people considered racist. I mean we've been accused of Islamophobia, why not Blackophobia too?
Accusing the TEA Party of being a racist organization is ludicrous at best. As a member of the TEA Party and speaker at TEA Party rallies, I can say, without reservation that all the rallies I've been to, were extremely diverse. I would venture to say that virtually every race, creed, nationality and color attended the TEA Party rallies, and actually participated. As a matter of fact, I shared the dais with an American Black business owner, and I remember that he gave a rousing speech against the tyrannical taxation in America. So, where does the CBC get their information? I'll tell you where, it's been rolling around in their little pea brains for years, and they think that now is the time to actually say what they've been thinking. I guess that somehow in the CBC's rhetoric they feel that they can gather support for Barack Obama from the same guilty-feeling White people who were duped into voting for him the first time.
Let me say this to the loud-mouths of the Congressional Black Caucus: The vile accusations being made by you and those like you will result in nothing short of solidifying the TEA Party, and I don't just mean the White TEA Party people either. Your despicable remarks like the TEA Party wants to see Black folks hanging from trees, is a best inane. There isn't one of you who shouldn't be charged with spewing hate speech and inciting minorities to violence. America's White population has virtually wiped out racism from their minds, their workplaces and schools. So now, the CBC's one stupid and erroneous outburst, may result in most, if not all prejudices being awakened once again. Congratulations CBC! I guess that the CBC would just cease to exist if it weren't for pulling that "race card" every so often in order to somehow secure your positions of control and influence over your constituents.
When will the Congressional Black Caucus begin to tell their constituents the truth about things? When will they tell their folks that it's not the White people keeping the Black people poor? When will the CBC tell their folks that America owes them nothing? Slavery is over, it's ancient American history. When will the CBC realize that a couple of hundred thousand White men gave their lives to defeat slavery in this country? I guess they never will, and it appears they will never tell the truth to our Black Americans because the truth would set them free. The members of the CBC with the exception of a few are the ones responsible for the constant class and race discrimination that occurs in this nation. If the poor Black folks are always led to believe that someone other than themselves are the reason they are poor, then those powerful Blacks in charge will retain their control over the folks. It's pretty sad really, how powerful Black Americans take advantage of the the disadvantaged Black Americans in this country. In essence, the Power Black Americans should be ashamed, totally ashamed.
When I see statistics that show there are more Mexican immigrants in college in America than Blacks, it tells me which race actually shows more initiative in school. It's so sad to say, because the Blacks in America have had more than equal opportunities in education ever since "Affirmative Action" was signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson.
The Black Americans in this nation have little or no excuse for not getting an education, truly, little or no excuse. If the inner city youth chose to quit school, cause trouble, and or basically just not apply themselves, the fault is on the student and the family. Uneducated Black or any other race is NOT the fault of White Americans or TEA Parties. It's time to cease and desist the blame Whitey for all your problems game. Give it up, and grow up!!! Congressional Black Caucus, if you are all incapable of doing something constructive, perhaps giving your seats to some other folks who have a sense of responsibility and integrity. Either way CBC, if you want to continue to drive the wedge of dis-content between the Black and White populations of this nation, then by all means continue on the same path. The TEA Party is not to blame for your plight, if in fact you even have a plight!
In my summary: It is the leaders of the Black population that are responsible for keeping their own people dumbed-down and in the chains of bondage.
God Help This Nation
The Watchman
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