Saturday, January 21, 2012


Along comes the only true "shovel ready" project in the last 3 years, and Obama kills it!

  Of course Obama doesn't just kill the Keystone Project, along with it's demise goes an estimated 23,000 American jobs, and the opportunity to purchase oil from a country that isn't bent on our destruction, at least not yet.  Obama's veto of the Keystone Pipeline project is just another example of how our President continues to slap the faces of our friends and kiss the butts of our enemies.  There must be more people that can see this pattern of self destruction, in Obama's policies concerning energy, the economy and last but not least our nations security. 
  One thing for sure, America won't have to worry about closing the border between us and Canada, Canada may take that task on it's own.  Perhaps, the next time Canada spends millions on research & development and commits to years of planning, they won't include the United States as a partner in their plans for prosperity, they'll just go directly to countries along the Pacific Rim and of course China.  I mean, why not?  China seems to be the preferred location for American companies to send American jobs, American money, and our administration's loyalty.  I see no reason why Canada shouldn't send their oil there.  After Obama phoned Stephen Harper, Canada's Prime Minister, to explain that he vetoed the project without prejudice.  Mr. Harper expressed his profound disappointment, and reiterated to Obama that "Canada will continue to work to diversify it's energy exports."  We all know what diversify means, right?  It means the oil that could be aiding the US in relieving it's dependency on Middle-East oil, is no longer within our grasp, and Canada will be seeking to market their energy over seas, basically to Asia.  I guess we Americans can just tap our own energy resources, right?  Wrong, Obama doesn't want that to happen either.  So, just exactly where does this administration stand on helping to create jobs?  Obama's obvious penchant for "Green jobs" isn't proving to be very lucrative, at least not for the taxpayer.  Certainly Obama's cronies in the "Green Jobs" sector have no problem stealing tax-payer money.  Then again, if Obama is giving it away, it's not really stealing, is it?  It's amazing, no matter where you start tracing thievery of government tax money, the name "Obama" always shows up at the end of the trail! 
  Let's be realistic, if the Governor of Nebraska has misgivings as to the location of this pipeline, why didn't he just take the initiative months ago to input some thought on relocating the line itself out of his state?  It can't possibly be that the entire pipeline project just started a few weeks ago, can it?  I didn't think so.  I mean really, some Canadian and some American oil men weren't sitting around a table smoking big stogies last month, brainstorming ways to pollute Nebraska's water, were they?  No!  Plans had to be made, maps drawn, environmental impact reports filed, none of this Keystone Pipeline project was a spur of the moment idea, was it?
  Here is the bottom line.  Obama has his agenda, and his agenda is not in the best interest of the sovereign United States of America.  His agenda is to dismantle America and rebuild it, as Obama himself put it, "fundamentally transform America".  Into what?  Into a mediocre nanny state where all people are totally dependent on it's government for every sustenance.  That's right Obama wants us to become like Greece.  I'm sure you see how well the folks in Greece have it, right?  I for one, can hardly wait, NOT! 
  It should be more than apparent to the people of America that Barack Obama and his D.C. minions are not interested in any project where the American people will benefit.  Independent Americans with their own money and freedom and liberty are not in Obama's master plan.  Even liberals should be able to see that by now.  Congress, should at this very moment be voting to override Obama's Veto on everything he has chosen to veto.  They aren't doing that though, are they?  No, they are not.  Progressives (Communists) have infiltrated much of Congress.  I'm sorry to say,  both sides of the aisle have enough traitors to back Obama, without the American people realizing it.  As I have said before, if this were the Continental Congress of our founders, Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Dodd, Frank and a host of other Congressional subversives, would have already been tried, found guilty through a preponderance of evidence on charges of treason, and put in shackles by now.  Unfortunately, the reason Obama is getting away with his "fundamental transformation" is because he has many allies in Congress and the Courts.
  If in fact we actually have a free and fair election in 2012, it is imperative that all the Obama supporters be ousted from the House and the Senate.  Simply switching Presidents will not be enough to bring this country around.  America is not unlike that cruise ship off the coast of Tuscany, Italy and Obama is not unlike the Captain of that sinking vessel.  Both of them have taken their charge on a course of certain destruction.  Obama, this nation, and the Captain, his ship.  America is experiencing a serious listing to the far left, and America needs to be righted and placed on a course to save her from sinking.  It's too late for the cruise ship, she's been run aground by her Captain.  As passengers and crew on this, the "USS American Freedom", we must do all we can to keep our nation from being run aground.  A cruise ship had life boats, a cruise ship is equipped with life jackets.  America has none of these, Obama has cut loose the life boats and thrown the life jackets overboard.  When America sinks, we're all going down with this ship.  Of course our Captain Obama will survive as he steps across the backs of the people to dry land.  Our final chance to steer America back to the right course will be election 2012.  If Obama should be victorious and gain another four years at the helm...  Then you can be assured that America's final course will be laid in, and the rudder broken beyond repair.  Our direction will be permanently plotted, without a rudder there will be no chance to turn.  We will no longer be the "USS American Freedom", we will be forever remembered as the USS Ship of Fools.
God Help Us
The Watchman

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Dismantling America, One Right At A Time
   In three years time, we have added $6 trillion dollars to America's debt.  For the very first time in history, our debt exceeds our GDP.  Now Obama is asking for $1.2 trillion dollars more.  The initial $6 trillion debt is an unsustainable amount, simply put, the nation cannot support this amount of debt, and it certainly should not add another $1.2 trillion more. 
  Energy prices for Americans have doubled in Obama's last 3 years, and that trend isn't going to move down any time soon on Obama's watch.  To the contrary, they will continue to rise.  After all, that is this administration's plan.  Just when the production of natural gas has soared and is helping to offset Obama's energy policies, Obama wants to shut down the fracking technology.  It seems the environmentalists have an inside track in the White House, or at least that's what they believe.  The truth is they are being used along with several other movements to implement the New World Order Plan.
  Oil and gas exploration drilling leases have dropped from 8,800 to an insignificant 1,600.  Millions of acres, both off shore and on shore have been put off limits to American domestic exploration and development by the Obama administration.  Of course that hasn't stopped Obama from funding Brazilian Oil to explore, develop and drill in those same off shore oil fields that have been deemed untouchable to American Oil companies.
  Since Obama's inauguration, 1.5 million jobs have been lost in America's private sector.  These losses are a direct result of the Obama administration's war on business, especially small business.  The tax burden and the uncertainty of even higher new taxes, directly associated with the implementation of Obama Care has stifled small business growth to the point of starvation.  Larger companies have been burdened with higher taxes, and regulations through Obama's EPA to a point where it is no longer lucrative to open and operate a manufacturing plant within our borders.  Obama's onslaught of useless restrictions through the U.S. EPA based on the proven false science of "global warming", are still being forced upon American manufacturers.  Simple rules of good business tell us that "if a company cannot make a profit, cannot afford to expand in one place, it's time to move the entire operation to a more lucrative and friendly business environment."  That is the simplest way to explain the 1.5 million job disappearance on American soil.  At the same time, it explains China's rise to new heights as the worlds largest manufacturing nation. 
  This administration has instituted an "open borders" policy.  Illegals not only get free health care, supplemented housing, and are allowed to work for cash so that they don't have to pay taxes, but they also receive IRS tax checks just for being here.  Also, this Obama administration has taken up the gauntlet and is presently suing American states, i.e., Arizona, Alabama and Oklahoma because they have been trying to enforce U.S. immigration laws, that quite frankly the federal government isn't enforcing.
  Now the Obama administration is cutting America's military to the bare bones.  No one is more in favor of cutting waste than I am, especially government waste, and the military can certainly cut some waste.  However, this administration is cutting funding in the wrong places at the wrong time.  Let's face it, the world is on fire with conflict, and plainly stated, we are on the verge of a third world war.  Now is not the time to start shedding fat.  Obama wants to cut the ranks of personnel, where will they go?  Home to an area of no jobs, and a very bleak future outlook.  What do you do with a  hundred thousand ex-military when they have no visual means of support for themselves or their families?  Welfare, food stamp programs, unemployment compensation, or all of the above?  Instead of shedding fat in our military, our government needs to be shedding some "fatheads" in Washington, D.C.. 
  In time, America will go from the greatest nation in the world to just another Socialist, nanny state where almost all the people require some type of government assistance, and the bill for that will be placed on the backs of those few who still have jobs and incomes, to pay for those who do not.  An unsustainable situation, I assure you.  If you don't believe me, please re-read the first paragraph of this article.  All Americans should be aware that as of today, nearly 50% of Americans, along with illegal aliens are now recipients of some type of government assistance.  Either, social security (earned or unearned), food stamp programs, medicare (earned or unearned), 99 weeks of unemployment compensation, Medicaid (earned or unearned), HUD housing, the list goes on and on.  The U.S. government (the people), are on the hook for so much unsustainable debt that it is unfathomable.  Obama says we have to make up for the debt by taxing the rich for another $75 billion.  In terms of trillions of dollars, $75 billion is simply a drop in the bucket.  However, blaming our debt and government spending problem on the 1% of wealthy citizens in America is a great distraction being used to take the focus off of the Socialist destruction of our nation, that Obama and his minions are perpetrating with each passing day.  
  Our country, should it continue on the same path for another four years of this present administration will become, financially broken, militarily weakened, Godless and morally depraved, and literally full of despondent people who, and mark my words, will turn criminally violent in order to survive.  Not because of some conquering invader from out side our borders, but at the hands of our own President and those like him in government.
  Everyone has heard of the Ten Commandments, well almost everyone.  However, very few have ever heard of the "Ten Cannots".  Between the years 1873-1962 a man of the cloth, Reverend William John Henry Boetecker wrote the following:
1.  You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
2.  You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
3.  You cannot help little men by tearing down big men.
4.  You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
5.  You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
6.  You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money.
7.  You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
8.  You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn.
9.  You cannot build character and courage by destroying men's initiative and independence.
10.  And you cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they can and should do for themselves.
  Sound and profound advice, wouldn't you agree?  Then why is our President doing the opposite of each of these?  Because it is the plan, the agenda if you will.  A prosperous nation, a strong and moral nation cannot, and will not fall prey to Socialism, Communism, Marxism or any other "ism" in the language.  The only way to destroy America is to destroy it's strengths.  That is the agenda of Obama and those with him, who share his ideology.
  How can he hope to force these Socialist plans on America?  It's easy, it's being done even as we speak.  The continuing downward spiral into a nanny state only stimulates more the demand for more entitlements and handouts.  When enough Americans are on the government dole, there will be no turning the trend around, at least, not with out substantial bloodshed.  Obama and George Soros know full well, when only source of sustenance comes from a single source, in this case the government, taking it away will be difficult at best, the people will rebel, then a savior will be needed, think about it!  Obama has already managed to put the federal government into positions of control over energy, business, health care, transportation, banking and food production.  He is doing all possible to remove God and any form of morality from the public and private sectors.  His intention to even reach into what Americans eat, where they work, how they heat and cool their homes, what they drive are all well into the process, and are in fact affecting our lives already.
  This upcoming election is "the" last shot at turning this nation around.  We are reaching the "point of no return", as it were.  We either turn around now, or we will forever be headed over the cliff of mediocrity and into the annuls of history where all the other failed dynamic civilizations have ended up.  This upcoming election, if in fact we have a free and fair election, is America's last chance to fire another shot for liberty, and freedom that will again be heard around the world.  The time for apathy is passed.  Now is the time for action.  Every vote must be cast, if it is to be counted.  Not one voting American can afford to stand by and not vote.  A non-vote is the same as a vote for moving in the wrong direction.  2012 is the last chance for our voices to be heard.  If Obama should some how pull a victory, the voices of Americans will never be heard again, except for an occasional moan and groan of a nation suffering in agony.  Vet your candidate, vote your heart, your conscience, your principles and your instincts, but do not vote from your wallets, and do not fall for empty promises from an already failed administration.  Barack Hussein Obama does not have America's best interest at heart.  Believing him is what got the U.S. into this dire situation in the first place, believing him again will only lead to total destruction of this great nation.  Are you better off now than you were 3 or 4 years ago?  An honest answer will lead you in the right direction.  I caution you, do not be surprised if Obama refuses to leave office.  Retaining control is imperative for the successful transition of America from a Free Market Democratic Republic to just another land mass indebted to Obama's One World Order.
God Help Us
The Watchman