Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Height of Arrogance

Has anyone ever seen the actual "face of arrogance"? Well, here it is for all to see. This man is a would be dictator, there is no doubt. It is his soul ambition to shove as much socialism down the throats of the American people as he can in four years time. He scoffs at the fact that this nation is a Christian Nation. He apologises to every country, and especially to Islamic countries for America's arrogance, I ask you, to look at his face again. It is no doubt that Barack Hussein Obama, will, and is transforming America into a Socialist, third world country. Under his orders, the US Mint is printing money 24/7. The money has NO value. The US dollar is dropping like a rock, and the more Obama circulates, the deeper the drop. The bottom line my fellow Americans, he doesn't care what you think, and he never will. He will destroy this country, he will usurp your freedom of speech, he will take away your liberty, and he will burden your children and their children with a debt they cannot pay. If you disagree with him, he will call you racist. I am at the point where, if Obama calls me a racist, I will wear that title as a badge of honor. If Obama doesn't like what I am doing, or writing, then, I must be doing something right and good. GOD HELP THIS NATION.

Friday, October 16, 2009


110,000 Killed In Action
275,200 Wounded In Action
250,000 Dead due to exposure, illness resulting from wounds and malnutrition.
99% percent of these war causalities were white Americans fighting in the American Civil War to free black slaves from bondage.
Has anyone ever recognized these facts? Are all white Americans supposed to carry some kind of burden of guilt? I ask you this because, I for one, white American, am tired of being portrayed as a racist descendant of white slave owners. As far as I am concerned, DEBT PAID IN FULL! Yes there were approximately 600,000 blacks brought to this country on slave ships, and yes that was wrong, and repulsive. However, if the descendants of those black slaves were still living in Africa, would they be better off? I don't think they would. They would certainly not have more rights, than here in America, would they? Would they not be starving with the hundreds of millions of blacks in Africa? Now I know that slavery was wrong, and I don't think anyone, black, white, red, or yellow would defend slavery. Black people in this country have all the opportunities as whites, and in some cases more. There is no land, country anywhere in the world where the white population has done more for the black population, than right here in America. Since the 1960's untold trillions of dollars have been supported by white people for programs like: Welfare, food Stamps, rent supplements, Section 8 housing, Pell Grants, student loans, legal services, Medicaid, earned income tax credits, and numerous other poverty programs to bring the African-American community into and level with the mainstream. All these programs stemmed from "Affirmative Action" from the 1960's, for the betterment of black people in America. Shall I go on? Governments, businesses, and colleges have been forced to discriminate against white people through Affirmative action setting quotas in contracts, and having to place black applicants ahead of white, regardless of qualifications. Thousands of Churches, civic groups, schools and individuals all over the United States have donated time, and money to support soup kitchens, adult education classes, day care facilities, and nursing homes for the black population. Why is it, that I always hear complaints from black civic leaders, and no thank yous? Not one! Prior to the 1960's I will admit that black people were discriminated against, I know, I was born in Chicago in 1949. My two best friends were Woody and Billy, both were black. I saw the discrimination first hand. But understand this, I and my family never discriminated against any one, ever! I carry no guilt. Since the 1960's however, all black students have had the same rights to education as white students, in some cases, more rights. I can't help the fact that more black students drop out of school than white kids. I think I can shed some light on the reason though. How about the black community leaders constantly telling blacks that they are oppressed. How about the failure of black leaders to encourage black students to stay in school. All I ever hear from black leaders is that white people are the cause of all their problems, and whites need to give the blacks more entitlements. I think the white community's real failure, was giving the black community too many entitlements in the first place. We, as whites have literally given so much, for so long, that the poor blacks feel they are entitled to a free ride. Where I live there are "Project Housing complexes", living in those housing projects, are 3 generations of families. Grandma and Grandpa got into the Projects in the 1960's, then their sons and daughters, and now their grand children are living on the free government ride in the projects. We all know this is a fact throughout the nation where there are Project Housings. The entire reason for this is, there is NO incentive for Project People to better themselves, it is much to easy to live off someone else's hard earned money. Entitlements have done nothing for the advancement of Black people in this country, except keep them down.
Suffice to say, I feel no guilt, I owe no black or any other minority a single solitary dime. There is only one reason for failure in the black community, and that is the black community itself. I do not need Barack Obama telling me what the White People need to do to heal the racial rift in this nation, it is time for the Black People to begin to heal on their own. For a president who was supposed to unite this country, no single man has done more to divide this nation than Barack Hussein Obama. I don't want to hear it anymore Barack, white people are not the cause of black poverty, black violence, or black illiteracy. I suppose I could expect nothing else from a president who blames everything on everyone else, and takes no responsibility for anything he himself has done. Remember, it was entitlements that put you and you wife through school, without those entitlements supported by the White community, you wouldn't be where you are today. How about a simple "thank you"?

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Allow me to tell you what happened to this nation's free speech. The Obama administration has sold "it", and "We the People" down the river once again. The Obama administration has signed on to a proposal in the UN, that will severely restrict the free speech of all Americans. I honestly think that there is more to this little maneuver than meets the eye. It isn't that Obama wants to restrict our freedom of speech, it's that he intends to control what we say. Do you see the difference? Obama will tout that he is pro First Amendment on one hand, and then take your freedom away with the other. The old saying goes, "it's not what you say, it's how you say it". Obama in his infinite wisdom wants to be the one who determines what is acceptable speech and what is not. For example: A couple weeks ago, during his speech, one of our fine Senators called Obama a liar, remember that? Did you see the condemnation in Obama's eyes, and in Pelosi's and Biden's also. Well, it wasn't because the Senator called Obama a liar, it's because he was allowed to call him a liar. In the eyes of this far left radical administration, your free speech rights stop abruptly if you speak something that is not in agreement with the power's that be. You may have noticed, that the entire DC crowd was completely bent out of shape because Obama was publicly labeled, a liar. I noticed that no one, and I mean no one, not even Obama himself, was able to defend the fact that Obama was telling the truth. Because he wasn't. You see, it's like saying, okay you caught me lying, but calling me a liar for lying is unacceptable. The fact that Obama was lying through his teeth that day, never came up for debate, only that a lone Senator had the guts to publicly call Obama out. We all know that Obama will continue to attack the Second Amendment, and now he's attacking the First Amendment. Make no mistake, when Obama made the speech five days before the election, touting the words: "We are just five days away from fundamentally changing the United States of America", he meant just that. Mark my words, there is no part of the Bill of Rights, or the Constitution that Obama holds sacred. The entire platform upon which this country was established is being systematically taken apart piece by piece, right before our eyes. It is imperative that you tell everyone who will listen, that our way of life, our freedoms, and our liberties are being usurped, and we must fight this man, and his administration at every point. We must stand united in this all important battle to save our nation, not only for ourselves, but for our children, and our children's children. God Bless This Nation, and Our Fight to Preserve it in His Holy Name.