Could it be the part that states: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof? It has always been my understanding that a judge's job is to make sure that Constitutional laws are upheld in the courts. Where in the Constitution does it give the power to judges at any level to make their own laws? Maybe it's the part that states: or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances? Perhaps judges have become so full of themselves, that they feel somehow superior to the people, and that feeling affords them the right to create and force their own ideology upon those whom they are supposed to serve. This narcissism, appears to be a huge problem in our White House and congress, and has since trickled down into our court systems. Never in my 62 years have I ever heard a District Court Judge use his power to actually usurp the U.S. Constitution in such a blatant way as to ban language, especially prayerful language. Let's not forget that prayer is also speech, and under the first amendment, that speech is also protected. No judge, not even a Supreme Court Judge should be allowed to think that he/she actually has the power to ban free speech in any form, and that includes prayer form. In Judge Biery's feeble attempt to protect the rights of an individual, he ends up stepping all over the first amendment. He uses the statement that this Schultz kid will be forever harmed by a graduation prayer, or by the use of words like:
"amen", "Jesus", "benediction", and the list of Judge Biery's banned words goes on from there. Judge Biery is what amounts to a babbling idiot, who has obviously been on the bench way too long, and he is suffering from self delusions of grandeur. (a legend in his own mind, as it were.) He can no longer see things objectively or fairly. With this in mind, the Governor of Texas, if possible should speed up Judge Biery's retirement, or if need be, petition the Federal Magistrates to pull Judge Biery from the bench as of yesterday. At the very least, the Christian parents from Medina Valley High School should be taking a stand against this blatant infringement on their freedom of speech and religious rights. As a whole, the parents should insist on prayer, and even indulge themselves with the use of the words "Jesus, benediction and Amen. When the graduation ceremony ends, all the students and parents should stand loudly and in unison say" God Bless You Judge Biery, we ask this in Jesus' Name."
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
Could it be the part that states: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof? It has always been my understanding that a judge's job is to make sure that Constitutional laws are upheld in the courts. Where in the Constitution does it give the power to judges at any level to make their own laws? Maybe it's the part that states: or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances? Perhaps judges have become so full of themselves, that they feel somehow superior to the people, and that feeling affords them the right to create and force their own ideology upon those whom they are supposed to serve. This narcissism, appears to be a huge problem in our White House and congress, and has since trickled down into our court systems. Never in my 62 years have I ever heard a District Court Judge use his power to actually usurp the U.S. Constitution in such a blatant way as to ban language, especially prayerful language. Let's not forget that prayer is also speech, and under the first amendment, that speech is also protected. No judge, not even a Supreme Court Judge should be allowed to think that he/she actually has the power to ban free speech in any form, and that includes prayer form. In Judge Biery's feeble attempt to protect the rights of an individual, he ends up stepping all over the first amendment. He uses the statement that this Schultz kid will be forever harmed by a graduation prayer, or by the use of words like:
"amen", "Jesus", "benediction", and the list of Judge Biery's banned words goes on from there. Judge Biery is what amounts to a babbling idiot, who has obviously been on the bench way too long, and he is suffering from self delusions of grandeur. (a legend in his own mind, as it were.) He can no longer see things objectively or fairly. With this in mind, the Governor of Texas, if possible should speed up Judge Biery's retirement, or if need be, petition the Federal Magistrates to pull Judge Biery from the bench as of yesterday. At the very least, the Christian parents from Medina Valley High School should be taking a stand against this blatant infringement on their freedom of speech and religious rights. As a whole, the parents should insist on prayer, and even indulge themselves with the use of the words "Jesus, benediction and Amen. When the graduation ceremony ends, all the students and parents should stand loudly and in unison say" God Bless You Judge Biery, we ask this in Jesus' Name."
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
(What's so hard to understand about that? Congress has made no law respecting the establishment of religion, and no law on the books prohibiting the free exercise thereof. That's not to say that the recent Hate Crimes Legislation isn't borderline infringement. So I ask, where does a judge get the idea that he can even remotely ban language and when you really look at it, where can he even remotely assume he has the power to ban prayer from any school or any other public establishment for that matter. For those who are unaware, the First Amendment does not state, anywhere in it, that there is to be separation of church and state, it's just not there, anywhere!!!)
The mere fact that We the People are having a prayer in school does not constitute a government established religion, nor does it mean our government is showing preference of one religion over another. What prayer in school by the attendees does mean, is that they are people peacefully assembled exercising their first amendment right to freely give thanks and praise their God, which by the way is all protected speech under the First Amendment.
Judges can not rewrite Constitutional Amendments to suit their own agenda, whether it be Christian, Jew, Agnostic or Atheist. If one of the attendees at a school graduation does not want to pray, then they have the right not to pray, (although in my mind's eye, it would do them good to pray, but that's for another Blog Post.)
For Judge Biery to make the statement: "The Schultz family and son will suffer irreparable harm if someone prays at the graduation commencement.", is poignant but it is also poppycock. There is no precedent, either in case or constitutional law that I know of, where any one person ever suffered irreparable harm from someone else saying a prayer. Judge Biery's statement was the ranting of an inane goofball. The fact that he was even able to say this in public with a straight face should cause the entire Texas Bar to call into question this man's competence regarding Jurisprudence. Now, unless Mr. Schultz and the entire family have a long lost distant ancestor with the name "Lucifer", I can see no way a prayer can cause any harm to this man's family or to his son.
For Judge Biery to make the statement: "The Schultz family and son will suffer irreparable harm if someone prays at the graduation commencement.", is poignant but it is also poppycock. There is no precedent, either in case or constitutional law that I know of, where any one person ever suffered irreparable harm from someone else saying a prayer. Judge Biery's statement was the ranting of an inane goofball. The fact that he was even able to say this in public with a straight face should cause the entire Texas Bar to call into question this man's competence regarding Jurisprudence. Now, unless Mr. Schultz and the entire family have a long lost distant ancestor with the name "Lucifer", I can see no way a prayer can cause any harm to this man's family or to his son.
Amazing enough, a member of the Christian clergy has seen fit to applaud Judge Biery's ruling. The minister's name, Rev. Barry Lynn, he is affiliated with "Americans United for the Separation of Church and State." Novel organization, considering the fact that the First Amendment was written by our founding fathers to keep government from interfering and imposing a sanctioned church upon the people. In other words to keep the church free of government interference, to keep government out of religion, not to keep religion out of government. It would only take a half-wit Judge and a under-educated minister to see it any other way, and in this case, unfortunately we have both.
The Christian parents and students of Medina Valley Independent School District, should be banning together to let Judge Biery, the Schultz family and the powers that be, that they will not give up their God, nor betray their Saviour for the likes of an atheist or of an oppressive government Judge. Parents, remember, you as Christians and Jews are tax payers too, this is your school district, it does not solely belong to Judge Biery or to the Schultz family.
"May God give you the strength of His Divine Providence to fight against this anti-religious tyranny being imposed upon you." Yes, Judge Biery, I pray this in Jesus' Name!!! "Amen!"
The Watchman
The Christian parents and students of Medina Valley Independent School District, should be banning together to let Judge Biery, the Schultz family and the powers that be, that they will not give up their God, nor betray their Saviour for the likes of an atheist or of an oppressive government Judge. Parents, remember, you as Christians and Jews are tax payers too, this is your school district, it does not solely belong to Judge Biery or to the Schultz family.
"May God give you the strength of His Divine Providence to fight against this anti-religious tyranny being imposed upon you." Yes, Judge Biery, I pray this in Jesus' Name!!! "Amen!"
The Watchman