Wednesday, June 23, 2010

"I am a Muslim," Obama Tells Egyptian Foreign Minister Gheit Islamic Coup on the White House - Atlas Shrugs

Here is a news item that was brought to my attention by the actor, John Voight. I checked it out on "Nile TV", and I also found several Internet news sites that covered this story.
I tried everywhere on the Internet to debunk this story, but alas, I was unable to do so. According to other news sources, this particular conversation with the Egyptian Foreign Minister was broadcast in Egypt. Is it any wonder why Obama is so well liked by Hamas, and most Muslim countries? With the exception of Iran, it seems that most leaders in the Muslim world have nothing but respect of our "Muslim In Chief". Is it any wonder that the terminology "Radical Islamic Terrorist" is no longer allowed in official administration documents and speeches?
According to Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Obama said "I am a Muslim". The Egyptian Foreign Minister continued his statement: "I had a one on one meeting with Obama, in which President Obama told me that " he was still a Muslim, the son of a Muslim father, the stepson of a Muslim stepfather, that his half brothers in Kenya are Muslims, and the he was sympathetic towards the Muslim Agenda." In the broadcast, it is reported that, Obama said: " I ask that the Moslem world show patience". Obama promised that "once he overcame some domestic American problems (Health Care), the he would show the Moslem world what he would do with Israel."
It is fairly obvious that Obama is actually showing his true colors and loyalties to Islam. President Obama is single-handedly spreading the worst form of anti-Semitism, both in his rhetoric, and his blatant disregard for Israel's plight. As Israel stands alone as the only democracy in the middle east, it is being shunned and reprimanded by the very president who vowed that America would stand by Israel against all enemies. In retrospect, Obama should not be ashamed of what he says, he is only speaking as the Muslim he is. What he should be ashamed of is the unending lies he has told to the American people, and the world. First and foremost when he told America he was a Christian, and then he tells the Egyptian people he is Muslim. Then he travels throughout the Middle East telling them that America is not a Christian nation. Well, he certainly doesn't speak for America. It must be understood however, that when a Muslim lies to an Infidel, it's not lying. We Infidels are being sold into slavery to Islam by our own president. Those who fail to see this now, will certainly see it in the very near future.
Please click on the link above to read the entire story. Atlasshrugs is a very reputable website. As nations are aligning against Israel, it is important that we Christian Americans let Israel know, that although our president has abandoned them, that "We The People" of the United States of America will not abandon them.
Pray for Israel and pray for America!!!

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