Friday, June 10, 2011


"I inherited this mess, don't blame me."

Barack Obama is out of touch with the American people!
Barack Obama is clueless when it comes to the economy!
Barack Obama has no idea what his policies are doing to the American economy!
Barack Obama is just new at these things!
Barack Obama doesn't have a clue when it comes to foreign policy!
Barack Obama is doing his best, he's just inexperienced!

When will the excuses stop?  The above excuses (free passes as it were) are all statements from either the media, Obama's supporters, Obama's opponents, conservative and liberal talk radio and TV hosts.  Time an time again these excuses are bantered about on the airwaves and in the newspapers and magazines.  I'm still asking one question: 

1.  Does anyone still actually believe that this man "Barack Hussein Obama" elevated himself from organizing bake sales in the black ghettos of Chicago to the position of President of the United States by being stupid?
2.  Does anyone still believe that Obama surrounds himself with radical homegrown terrorists, Communists, Socialists, and Racists because he simply has bad taste when it comes to choosing his friends and advisers?
3.  Does anyone still think that Obama bows to the kings and emirs of Muslim nations because he's just being polite?
4.  Can anyone still convince themselves that Obama has the best interest of the country at heart, while at the same time doing everything in his power to kill industry, jobs, energy independence and the entire economy? 
5.  How can anyone still believe that all of the lies and deceit and corruption from the White House, is just some sort of comedy of errors?
  No my friends, Obama is not making mistakes, it's just that We The People can't fathom the fact that our President doesn't love America.  It is much easier for Americans to deceive themselves when it comes to these actions by our elected Commander In Chief.  No one, and I mean no one in America wants to believe that Barack Obama hates his country, it's system of government, it's financial system and he is bound and determined to change it.  Americans can not believe that the man they elected to the highest office in the nation, if not the entire free world, hates freedom, hates free enterprise and capitalism.  Which brings us to the ultimate question:  Is Obama deceiving the people, or are we so blinded by past mediocrity that many Americans are deceiving themselves?  We don't want to believe it, we don't want to see it, even though it's right before our eyes.  Well, rest assured, Obama reads America and Americans like an open book.  Obama and his minions know that Americans will deny to the death that one of our own would be so intent on destroying our nation.  This is why proponents of Obama when confronted with a question come back with, "now, why would Obama do something to hurt his own country?"   The answer is, he's not one of our own, he does not share the love of country like the rest of us do!  People of America, it's time to awaken from this ideological stupor you're in.  Behind Obama's big winning smile is a man so evil, so diabolical, so deceitful that he can and he does grin at you as he lies to you.  His smile is not that of a happy man, an honest man, or even your run-of-the-mill politician.  Behind Obama's smile are cold and calculating plans to destroy your family, your home, your religion and your country, of this make no mistake!!!
  In Obama's own words:  "Under my energy plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily sky-rocket."  Check your latest utility bill, the cost is sky-rocketing.  When energy costs rise, the cost of everything else rises right along with it.  Have you been paying attention at the grocery store?  One thing I have noticed, that the cheap loaf of bread now costs $2.50, instead of the $1.25 it used to cost just a couple of months ago.  Textiles such as clothing is also on the rise, everything you use and or purchase are directly connected to the cost of energy.  Is Obama intent on America being energy independent?  None of his policies regarding research, exploration, extracting and refining America's own petroleum resources reflect a positive direction.  
  I could go on and on naming and numbering all the negative effects Obama and his administration have had on the American economy, but that would be like beating a dead mule.  All of you know the negative effects, many of you are feeling it through unemployment and home foreclosure.  It would be difficult to find someone in America who hasn't been affected by our weak economy.  It will get worse, food prices will continue to rise for as long as America is forced to burn our food in our gas tanks (ethanol).  It is time to realize that global warming is based on false science and twisted theory in order for a few elite to steal from the taxpayer.  There is no reason to burn food as fuel.  We all want clean air and a clean planet, we all want to preserve, but we can not continue to worship the creation and turn our backs on the Creator.  Global climate change is a naturally occurring phenomenon, there has always been changes in the earth's climate, and there will always be changes in the earth's climate.  Can we burn cleaner fuel? Sure.  Should we explore alternative energy sources?  Sure.  Should we destroy food, and force more starvation on starving countries to make alternative fuel?  No, absolutely not!  Obama and those like him are intent on controlling the masses.  Can't you see it?  The more people who are out of work, the more people who will become dependent on government for food, clothing, shelter.  The plan is to give as much to as many as possible, to make as many as possible dependent.  Hungry, cold and homeless people can be controlled quite easily with the promise of free everything.  "Remember the Eloy" (look them up.)  
  The next time you hear somebody yell at their TV when Obama once again does something that appears stupid, remember, Obama has an agenda, he is not stupid or inexperienced.  Obama said prior to his winning the election; "we are five days away from fundamentally changing the United States of America."  People cheered, many of them are now unemployed and homeless, the cheers should be dying down.  But are they, really???
  Watch this next election closely.  If Obama wins again, the fix is already in, and America as we have known it, is doomed.  Prepare, prepare, prepare!!!
"Before one can defeat evil, one must recognise it for what it is, where it is and who it is." (Jerome F. Roth)
God Help Us
The Watchman          

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