Who needs this in the New World Order?
By now, everyone should know that Barack Hussein Obama doesn't care much about going into the annuls of world history as a great American President. Because he intends on being remembered as Obama The Destroyer and 1st leader of the New World Order. I find it quite remarkable that there are still cars on the road sporting Obama bumper stickers, unless of course right next to it there is an apology sticker that reads "Sorry, my bad"! It also bothers me that there are, according to the latest poll, some 24% of the American people who think Obama is doing an excellent job as President. These 24 % must comprised of Muslim radicals, gay & sort of gay people, illegals from all walks of life, and of course just about all the folks on some undeserved entitlement. "Entitlement", now there's a word that needs a little more clarification. To be entitled, means one must qualify, i.e., Social Security or unemployment benefits, prior to collecting either of these so-called entitlements one must first qualify, and to qualify one must first have contributed to the entitlement. Those who have never contributed, can NOT be entitled, because you see they could not qualify. This is one of those liberal items that has been twisted to say, "if you are here, you are therefore entitled."
Back to the subject at hand, Obama the Destroyer. President Obama is doing everything in his power to not only destroy the American economy, but he is also engaged in the financial destruction of the European Union. I have a hard time understanding why those who are in power in Spain, Greece, Germany, Italy, and the UK can't see Obama's plan. (Perhaps they've been Socialist too long.) His plan is to fundamentally change the world, and he isn't hiding that fact, as a matter of fact that is the only thing Obama has been completely transparent about. Where his administration loses it's transparency is the methodology he is employing to accomplish his agenda. Remember, as I list Obama's accomplishments, that he's doing them all for our own good, and the best interest of the worlds population.
1. Obama Care, second only to Social Security is the biggest step to bring America into Socialist/Communist status.
2. No drilling on or offshore for oil.
3. No new mining for coal or natural gas, no new coal fire plants.
4. No new nuclear power facilities.
5. Hundreds of billions of dollars imposed on businesses in America, i.e., green energy tax, carbon footprint tax, health care tax, business tax, etc., etc. So many and so much tax that even American corporate giants like Coke Cola are scurrying to set up shop in China.
6. Taxpayer bailouts of huge banks, mortgage companies, auto makers, need I go on?
7. Borrowing in excess of 7 trillion dollars from foreign sources to pay our debts.
8. Obama said under his plan of a Cap & Trade system, energy cost would necessarily skyrocket. Does $4.00 a gallon gas ring a bell? Wait until next winter when heating oil, gas and electricity will be at the biggest premium in the history of the world.
Now, if someone reading this blog post can indicate which one of the eight items above are beneficial to our nation, please feel free to leave a comment. The 8 items above are but just a few of the things Obama has done to ruin this nation. Here's a couple more to put some frosting on the Socialist cake. Since Obama's election to office: Interpol can operate within the borders of our country with impunity. (That's like having an outside army to carry out Obama's orders, police from other already Socialist nations have no ties here and no loyalty to the American citizen.) We are borrowing billions of dollars to pay to Brazil to drill for oil where we Americans are forbidden to drill, with the promise that America will be Brazil's largest customer. How's that for becoming energy independent from foreign sources? Obama has promised billions of dollars to radical middle-eastern countries, but we don't have those billions, so America has to borrow from countries like China to give to Muslims who want to kill Americans and Jews. Keep in mind now, government money is taxpayer money, any money the government borrows and or spends has to be paid back with interest, and I mean big interest. America's debt is unsustainable, we can not continue to spend money we do not have. Soon, the world, namely China (who by the way has already dumped 97% of American debt it has been holding), will call due the debt we owe them. Obama will try to pay our debt with worthless printed dollars, trust me when I say "that's not going to fly with China." The printing of all these dollars, (and you can bet the presses are running 24/7 365) will cause inflation like the world hasn't seen since the Wiemar Republic. In case you haven't already noticed, the price of gasoline, food and clothing have been rising at an alarming rate. There will soon be food shortages, it's just a matter of time, and with high inflation it will not be outrageous to see $6.00 loaves of bread, $10.00 a gallon gasoline, $5.00 a gallon of milk. With inflation comes high prices, and I mean really high prices on everything. The food shortages will come because we are burning our food in automobile and truck engines.(Corn ethanol). America used to feed the world, make no mistake if America continues on this same destructive path, America won't even be able to feed itself.
What am I trying to say, you ask? Well, I'm saying my friends we are sitting right now on the Eve of Destruction. I see no way Americans as individuals can stop this inevitable demise of our way of life, except to prepare, prepare, prepare.
If you are not buying food two at a time, one for now and one to store up, then you should be. If you haven't got at least 30-40% of your portfolio in precious metals like silver and gold, you should have. If you haven't armed yourself and your household and keep a healthy store of ammunition, you should have. Charity is important and giving is good, but being forced to give at the point of a gun is not good. There are others who will not prepare, and when things get real bad, they will come to take what you have, they will not come to ask for charity. You must prepare to defend your home, and your family, trust me, law enforcement can not, and will not be there in time to prevent anything. Prevention is the responsibility of the individual. Warn your family and your friends, hard times are coming and they're coming much faster than anyone anticipated.
At the bottom of this blog post you will see a link, if you are even the least interested in your second amendment rights, you need to read this article. If you do not own a firearm for home protection, I strongly urge you to go out today, find one, buy one, learn how to use it, and get plenty of ammo. Hopefully, you'll never have to use it, but you'll be glad it's there if you need it. If the time should come, do not surrender your arms, as surrendering your arms will leave you helpless.
Trust in God!!!
The Watchman |
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