Another barbaric Muslim tradition. Passing out free sweets to celebrate the massacre of an Israeli family. Peaceful Muslims, followers of the peaceful way of Islam and Muhammad sneaked into the home of an Israeli family and stabbed to death the father, mother, a 12 year old son, a 3 year old and a 3 month old infant, all while they were sleeping. There is no honor in Islam or the ways of Muhammad. Do we know why Muslims murder Israelis, because they are Jews, no other reason, none at all!!!
I have included a link to the Atlas Shrugs website, there you will see the graphic photographs of the carnage left in this Israeli home. WARNING!!! THE PHOTOS ARE PRETTY MUCH UN RETOUCHED, THEY ARE GRAPHIC AS I SAID, AND THEY ARE NOT FOR THE EYES OF THE FAINT OF HEART!!! WARNING!!!
Islam proves once again that they are not the "peaceful religion" they would like you to believe they are. By their own holy book the Qu'ran, they are instructed to kill Jews and Christians as we are nothing but apes and swine. There is NO tolerance in the Islamic faith for Infidels, that's us, by the way. Muslims are instructed to convert Christians and or turn us into slaves, or eradicate us. That's the tolerant peaceful Islam we aren't hearing about.
Okay, yes there are bad people in every society, there are brutal murderers, psychotic killers, and even cannibals. In every society there are lunatics, barbarians, rapists, and home invaders. However, there is no other society that I am aware of that celebrates the murder or shall I say senseless slaughter of innocent human beings. Only Islam, Only Islam celebrates when innocent men, women and children have there lives brutally snuffed out at the hands of jihadis.
When jihadis hijacked American airliners on 9/11 and crashed them in to the World Trade Center Towers and the Pentagon, Muslims celebrated and danced in the streets praising the terrorists who perpetrated the act. Today, in Palestine Muslims once again danced and celebrated the murder of five innocents and passed out sweets to the citizens so that all could take part. Yes, this act of violence was carried out by just a couple of Muslims, but the most frightening part about it, was that the act was celebrated by Muslims in the streets of Palestine. I don't know about you, but to me, the stabbing to death of five people is hardly a reason to celebrate. Let alone warrant the celebration of an entire community. I don't care who they are!!!
This my friends is coming to America, and the liberals and the Progressives are inviting them here. It is common knowledge that Islam/Muslims are not compatible with any other society or religion. It is common knowledge that Islam's agenda is domination of the west, not assimilation. Islam, through it's actions and words of their Imams have made it perfectly clear that Israel must be wiped from the face of the map. Islam, through it's Imams have declared a holy war against Israel and America (The Great Satan as they call us), yet our government, from the White House down to local municipalities have been bending over backwards to please and appease these people who follow this barbarous belief, why?
It would be much easier to not blame an entire society for the atrocious and repulsive acts of a few, if the entire society didn't take part in the celebration of the carnage. If Islam didn't hold those perpetrators up as hero's of Allah. If the hijackers from 9/11 weren't praised as martyrs for Allah. I mean, who is this Allah anyway? He certainly is NOT the same God we Christians and Jews worship! Islam's prophet is Mohammad, a murdering lunatic pedophile, and sole author of the Qu'ran. No, Mohammad and Allah are not the same as our God the Creator, and our Jesus the Savior. Islam and Mohammad are evil and directly descended devil's spawn. Islam has no place in civilized culture, as their beliefs are not those of civilized people.
There is but one alleged devout Muslim who I am sure will speak out against the dastardly and cowardly murders that sparked this Blog article, and that would be Dr. Zuhdi Jasser. Dr. Jasser has made numerous appearances on the Glenn Beck Program, and O'Reilly's Factor. Dr. Jasser is even testifying in favor of the Rep. King hearings on the radicalization of homegrown Muslim terrorists in America. From all outward appearances, Dr. Jasser is a kind family man, an intellectual and purports to be a devout Muslim-American. That's where the rub comes in. Devout Muslims can only be loyal and obedient to Allah and the Qu'ran, they can not according to the Qu'ran, be obedient or submissive to any man made law. This poses the question to Dr. Jasser, which is it, are you loyal to the Qu'ran, or to the Constitution and laws of the United States? Of course one could counter that by asking me if I am loyal to the laws of God as written in the Bible or am I loyal to the Constitution and laws of the United States of America? I, can say unequivocally that I am loyal to both, as my Christian Faith does not encourage me to kill and or make slaves out of non-Christians. I'm afraid in all honesty that Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, being a devout Muslim and under the direction of the Qu'ran can not be loyal to both his Faith and the Constitutional man made laws of the United States. Another troubling component is that Dr. Jasser claims to be only one of many American-Muslims who are denouncing the terrorist activities of his fellow believers in Islam. Unfortunately, Dr. Jasser is always alone on stage and I've not seen or heard any other supposed moderate Muslim speak out and stand up next Dr. Jasser. So, where are all these other Muslim-Americans who are against the teachings of Mohammad? Either Dr. Zuhdi Jasser is a fallen away or backslidden Muslim, or he is lying. From my research, true followers of Islam are also followers of Mohammad's Qu'ran to the letter, or they simply are not Muslim.
Due to the political correctness and the mandatory tolerance being forced upon Americans, there appears to be no stopping the influx of Muslims into our country. What we all must do however, is prepare ourselves for the impending fight that most certainly lies before us. If you live near a Muslim Mosque, you may want to keep your eyes and ears open in the neighborhood. Muslims will infiltrate your local governments as soon as there are enough Muslims to sway the vote in their favor. If this happens, and you are either Christian or Jew, be prepared for the persecution to start, and rest assured it will. If you have a neighbor who is Muslim, remember according to their holy book they can not take up with non-believers (Infidels if you will), they can not be your friend. They can lie to you of course, that is their way to gain your trust, be forewarned, do not turn your back to them. Killing Infidels in their sleep or from behind makes no difference to them, as they are murdering for Allah. Now that's the peaceful Islam we are NOT hearing about.
God Help Us
"The Watchman"
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