Tuesday, January 12, 2010


There was no posting from me yesterday, I had an appointment at my nearest VA facility. I reluctantly go there, but, because I am out of private health insurance, I am destined to seek all my medical care a Veteran's facility these days. Interestingly enough, I am glad I went. I guess it was an appointment set up for me by God. I'll explain: While at the VA center, I met an amazing young lady. She loves this country, she wants to raise her children here, although I never asked if she was married. I would venture to say she was in her late twenties to early thirties. I gave her my card with the address to this Blog, I hope she reads it today. The young lady is a Doctor, and I will not reveal her name for privacy purposes. She had a refreshing smile, and understanding nature, and a genuine calling from God to help Veteran's. We talked for close to an hour, and I could see in her eyes the compassion of a medical professional that I, up until yesterday thought had become non-existent. She didn't talk at me, or too me, but instead she talked with me. She listened to what I had to say, she didn't rush me through, she didn't make me feel that her time was more valuable than mine. She expressed genuine concern, you could tell by the questions she asked that she was actually listening to me when I spoke. I honestly believed that these great characteristics were no longer prevalent in the medical world. It's probably the first time in way too many years, that I actually came away feeling good about a doctor visit.
She was young, she was professional, understanding, caring, concerned, she loved her country, and she wanted to help us Veterans who sacrificed to keep her country free. She respected the Veterans for what we did, and showed appreciation for the freedom that was hers, because men and women in the service of this country willingly put their very lives on the line, to assure freedom, and liberty.
You know what? She is a LEGAL Immigrant, now a citizen, from the Ukraine/Russia. I have only heard two, born in America medical professionals say thanks to the Veterans for their service. But, she did, because she knows what the lack of freedom means, she doesn't take her freedom for granted, like it is owed to her. She is pretty special in my book. On behalf of all patriots I know, Veteran's and non-Veteran's, I took the opportunity and the liberty to welcome her to "her country", our country. I promised her that there were many of us who have a self imposed mission is to preserve America for her, and the children she may bring into this country. I told her, that we patriots as believers and defenders of the United State Constitution want her children to grow up in the same America we knew as we were growing up. She had tears, and she is grateful to be here. We are fortunate to have her.
So if you're reading this doctor, you know I am talking about you. As the title of this post says: Making your acquaintance has refreshed my belief that there is good everywhere, you just have to see it. Making your acquaintance, has renewed my faith in human nature. Making your acquaintance has strengthened my resolve to preserve this country, it's Constitution, and Bill of Rights, for you, and for all the citizens of this great nation. You have my card, you're only one of two doctors that do. My email address is on the card. God Bless You, and welcome to America.

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