Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Study Shows Majority of U.S. Mosques Repositories of Sharia, Jihad, & Muslim Brotherhood Literature and Preachers

 Islam has a vision and a plan for your country, your children and your religion.  The question is:  Is it the same vision you have?

Fact:  90-95% of all conflicts in the world today involve Muslims fighting Non-Muslims, or each other.
  There are Muslims vs. Jews in "Palestine", Muslims vs. Hindus in Kashmir, Muslims vs. Christians in Africa, Muslims vs. Buddhists in Thailand and Muslims vs. Russians in Caucasus, need I go on?  I didn't think so. 
  Fact:  Over the past 1400 years (since the founding of Islam):  270 million non-believers have been murdered by Muslim jihadists. 
  Fact:  Islam destroyed the Christian Middle-East and Christian North Africa.  It is estimated that upwards of 60 million Christians were slaughtered during this conquest.  Also half of the Hindu civilization was annihilated with that some 80 million Hindus murdered.  Islamic jihad also destroyed over 10 million Buddhists.  All this in the name of Allah.  Yet there are those who tout Islam as the religion of peace.
  Fact:  There are a little over 1.4 billion Muslims in the world.
              There are an estimated 280 million Americans
              There are 5.5 million Israelis surrounded by 350 million Arab Muslims.  Those are insurmountable odds in any one's book.
  Fact:  The world population of Christians has increased by 47%
  Fact: The world population of Buddhists increased by 63%
  Fact:  The world population of Muslims increased by 235%
  Fact:  The Jewish population has decreased by 4%
    A recent study conducted by TRI (Terrorism Research Initiative) of 100 Islamic Mosques in the United States of America has revealed some rather enlightening facts:  Over 80% of the Mosques in the U.S. are in fact repositories of Sharia, Jihad and Muslim Brotherhood literature and Preachers.
  The random survey of 100 Mosques in the U.S. was conducted to measure the correlation between Sharia adherence and dogma calling for violence against non-believers.  Of the 100 Mosques surveyed, 51% had texts on site rated as severely advocating violence; 30% had texts rated moderately advocating violence' only 19% had no violent text on site. The Mosques that were more Sharia adherent were more likely to feature violence positive texts on site than were their non-Sharia counterparts.
  Allowing and encouraging the proliferation of Islamic centers, i.e., Muslim Mosques and the government's appeasement of Islam in America, is equal to handing your assassin the sword with which to chop off your own head.
   Islam has but one goal, and that goal is world domination, and many countries are contributing to that end, some unknowingly, but contributing all the same to their own demise.  America is following suit, "with a passion".  In America, while Christianity is being mocked, discounted and erased, Islam is being protected to higher and higher degrees, even to the point where Americans are being forced to give up the rights to many freedoms, so as to not offend Islam.  It is apparent that our nation's elected leaders are either blinded by political correctness, or they are in league with Islam.
  One fact that truly troubles me are the amount of Christian churches in America that come to the defense of Islam and the Mosques they wish to build.  Throughout history, both Jews and Christians by the millions have fallen to the sword of Islam, and still are today.  Anyone who has ever actually read the Koran, must know from the knowledge it imparts, that Islam can not, because it will not co-exist with any other religion or government.  It would be safe to say that Islam has been the worlds killing machine for well over a thousand years.
  Sometimes I fear that the true enemy of Christians and Jews, will not be recognized for who they are.  I may be putting myself out on a very thin limb here, but in my opinion the worst enemy of Christians and Jews is their own apathy in the face of Islam and Islamic jihad.  It seems that ever since losing all but one of the Crusades against Islam, the Christian church has taken comfort in the position of the persecuted.  At least some Jews have outgrown that victim role, those of course being the Israelis.  The Jews here in America will still live in the past "holocaust" era when it suits their agenda.  What will it take to get Christians and Jews alike to realize that Islam in all forms are enemies, and apathy and appeasement of Islamic demands are the fuel Islam needs to prosper?  Here in America, the Muslims have also learned hold to play the "victim card".  Playing the "victim card", affords the Muslims to demand and receive special rights under America's constitution that Muslims do not believe in.  Well, you don't have to believe in the Constitution to use it to your advantage, do you?  The same holds true for the hearts in general, of good easily deceived Christians.  Uneducated in the history of Islam and the brutality of their conquests in the name of Allah, is one reason why American good hearted Christians have been lulled into the Muslim "Islam is a religion of peace" profession.  Which by the way, is a blatant outright lie.
  From 10-13-2011 - 12-11-2011 Islamic terrorists have murdered 1,374 innocent Christians, Jews, Arabs, Indians and Africans.  In the last two months that averages out to 22 people a day who fall to the sword of Allah.  These are men, women and children.  Islamic jihadis murder brutally and without discrimination.  Their methods are barbaric and their reasons are insane.  Islam is anything but a religion of peace.  I understand, that in the huge scheme of things and with a world population of over 6 billion people, that 22 brutally murdered people doesn't seem very significant.  All I ask is that you put that number in perspective.  Take that number 22, and put it in your own neighborhood.  Does it appear to still be minimally acceptable?  I don't think it does, as a matter of fact it is totally unacceptable, isn't it?
  The next time you are in church, look around and count the 22 people near you.  Then imagine them either blown up, beheaded, slashed beyond recognition, or worse.  These people that are murdered daily have done nothing to provoke Islam, but worship in their own faith, just like you and your family.  Think about this when Muslims want to build a Mosque in your neighborhood, near your church or near your child's school.  Under the guise of a religion, Muslims will try to infiltrate your neighborhood.  Islam is NOT a religion, but an all encompassing way of life, it's followers are forbidden to obey any man made laws, and their goal is world domination, and they do not care how that is accomplished.  Do not be fooled, educate yourself about Islam.  Islam has a vision for you, your children and your country.  Is their vision the same as your?  
  The silence of the Christian churches is deafening when it comes to stopping Islam.  If Christian churches feel persecuted because of Islam, or Gays, or Atheists, it is because Christian churches remain SILENT.
God Help Us
The Watchman  

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