Saturday morning, January 30, 2010. The morning after the big snow. While out testing the roads this AM, I was forced to tune my radio to station 1510AM. Now, normally I can't stand listening to any AM station because of the static. It's the same static that I heard on my car radio, growing up in the sixties. AM wasn't a pleasure to listen to then, and it hasn't improved much since my teenage years. However, on Saturday mornings I do listen to the Steve Gill show. He has always been entertaining, informative, and usually spot on. This morning I heard him once again lambasting Glenn Beck over what Glenn said on his TV program about the new Senator from Massachusetts, Scott Brown. I, like every one else I know agree that Glenn Becks statements regarding Scott Brown were way out of line. I also feel that Glenn Beck owes Mr. Brown and his lovely family an apology, and he should do it on air, live, for all the audience to see and hear. My problem however, is with Steve Gill. I believe I heard him ranting about this Glenn Beck/Scott Brown thing last week. If this morning's program is a recording, then I'm sorry. The point is, that Glenn Beck, is one of us. Without Glenn Beck, and his boldness, the Obama Administration would not have been exposed for what it is. Glenn Beck, has been correct and right on with all his statements regarding Van Jones, and all the other socialists, communists, and progressives in the Obama White house. Without Glenn Beck, there would not have been any Tea Parties, no expose's on the truth about the Democrats and the infiltration of the progressives into both parties. I do not like to judge one mans opinions, but I believe that it is Steve Gill who is now getting out of hand, and not Glenn Beck. In Glenn's defense, he was making the point that the last time America was totally enamoured and awestruck by a politician, that man was elected President of the United States, and are we sorry for that now!!! I saw a ad on a TV news show asking " Can Scott Brown beat Barack Obama". Let's face it, just as Barack Obama never accomplished anything before becoming President, Scott Brown hasn't accomplished anything either. In my opinion, Scott Brown did not win the Senate because of his miraculous campaign, or because of his list of references, he won because of Barack Obama and his policies. Scott Brown's victory in Massachusetts, came to fruition because "We the People" are angry and didn't want another Democrat in that Senatorial Seat for the next 40 some odd years again.
So Steve Gill, if you are for some reason jealous over Glenn Becks success, please don't be, you are a veteran, and you have no reason for envy. Please move on, because constant harping on one of our own makes you sound like a democrat harpy, or worse yet a progressive.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010

"In Allah We Trust" How does that sound? Far fetched? Not so much!!!
I just finished reading the findings from the investigation by the Pentagon regarding the Fort Hood Massacre. It is 86 pages long. Here is what I found: The words Islam, Jihad and Muslim were not mentioned, not once! Just who was the person(s) conducting this Pentagon Investigation, anyway? The word "terrorist" was only mentioned 12 times, and 4 of those times just in a credits category. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the Fort Hood Massacre a terrorist attack? Was it not carried out by a Muslim Extremist terrorist with jihad on his mind? Did he, or did he not cry out Allahu Akbar just prior to gunning down a multitude of unarmed innocent military personnel, in cold blood. I may not be a scholar, but in my mind, that sounds like the jihad war cry. Political correctness has gone completely amok, if even our Pentagon is frightened to offend the enemy. I am embarrassed for our military leaders in the Pentagon for this report, that has no teeth. When our military generals are puddling their britches at the thought of offending the enemy, our nation is in some serious dire straights.
You see the photoshopped picture at the top of this Blog Post? Well, take a good look the obverse side of this ten spot. Are you seeing "In God We Trust", or are you seeing "Allahu Akbar"? Well if you are seeing the latter, then let it burn into your memory banks. As of right now, it is fake, sort of like Islam. Soon, however if Muslims get their way, this could be reality.
Let me just mention a few places where Muslim's in America are being treated special, and given religious preference over other religions. Kansas City International Airport: Constructed four foot-washing benches to accommodate a growing number of Muslim drivers who requested the facilities to prepare for daily PRAYER, isn't that preferential? University of Michigan-Dearborn: $25,000.00 to construct two foot-washing stations. I wonder who's money they're using for that? The Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix, AZ. just added additional airport user fees to pay for, get this: Two faucets located two feet above the ground to help Muslim taxi drivers meet their religious needs. When was last time an airport, or university, or any public facility used taxpayer money to install kneelers for Catholic employees, or Holy Water fountains, so the Catholics could make the sign of the cross when passing by? This is just an example, Catholics don't ask for these things, but Muslim's insist on these perks, and out of fear, the local governments and establishments give in to Muslim demand. Political correctness is at best, a pathetic surrender to the enemy. "We the People" just stand by and say nothing. I guess the fear of jihad, and Muslim reprisal takes precedence over our own constitution. If Protestants requested time off work in the middle of the day to pray to God, if Catholics asked time off to kneel and pray in the middle of a work day, if Jew's asked off to pray during the day at work, all would be denied. Yet my friends, I've worked at International Airports where Muslim workers are in fact given preferential treatment, and are allowed to roll out the prayer rugs, in the middle of a work day, and pray to their Allah. I'm not saying there is a double standard here... Actually, I am saying there is a double standard here!!! It needs to be stopped!!!
The leaders of CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) have said they will " use our Constitution against us to instill Sharia law in America", we darn well better use our Constitution first, to stop them, or we will lose our Constitution.
POLITICAL CORRECTNESS is doing nothing but rolling out the RED CARPET for Sharia Law in this country. Enough is enough, our religious, and secular leaders need to start educating the people about Islam, their goals, and Sharia Law, or we, as Americans will be living under Sharia, in our lifetime.
God Help This Country, Pray for the conversion of Islam to Christianity.
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